Dear Friend,
I think , after an week hard work we want some relax. We want to spent at least one day per week with our family and also other relatives. Some of our friends go their office or school or others 40,50 even 100 km. distance from their residence. They compel to do this trouble full journey regularly for their family.
Though one day per week is not enough but some thing is better then nothing. At present day more evening sift office, branch of Bank ete. are necessary for the office employees.
So I am not agree to lost sweet Sunday for one day less of each working days. One day is better than less one hour. Don’t mind friend it is my personal opinion. Thanks to all.
Please dont mind but I think its strange. Can you describe the reason for not providing any holiday in a week? Many of us are compeled to make long journey to reach Office. Should they not provide any rest? Many meet there family once in a week. Should they not meet their family? I again pray prior pardon of my friend to say that this will not only rupture the entire system but also discourage many to perform their duty. One thing I must say that I appreciate your mentality to do something for better service to the nation and it would be nice if we try to use the holidays on our work. But it should not be fair to compel someone to work on holidays. Many of us perform our work on holidays to pull up the pendings works which I think a good service to the nation but the same may not be possible for all. Moreover if all of us can set our mind to perform our duty upto the mark by putting our best effort, I think it will be enough to serve our nation within the existing system. Lets see whats our friends say. Thanks to all.
I’m not agree with Mr BIKU.But his enthusiasm is appreciated.I think shift duty can be introduced in the offices like the industries to keep offices open all day except general holidays. More opinions welcome!
Only Essential Service Providers e.g. Electricity (CESC/WBSEDCL), Telephone, Emergent Electrical Maintenance, Health Services, Fire, Banking Service etc. should have Round the Clock duty hours (24X7).
Others should enjoy weekly holidays to refresh their minds.
The 5 days working schedule in a week is based on functioning of the offices western countries. More over, India can not go against the International Labour laws which says that the maximum period of weekly working hours should not exceed 48 hours. Public does not get benefit because we are not honest in discharge of our duties. The problem will not be solved even after 7X7 until we clear our desks of files on day to day basis. Work hard for 5 days and enjoy to its fullest on weekends.