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Please provide Accounts – II question papers. It would be immense help for the newbies like us. Thank you asifda for providing Acounts – I question papers. ( https://wbxpress.com/topic/accounts-i-question-papers/ ). If possible please update with more question papers.
May, 1997
ACCOUNTS—Paper II (With Books)
Time Allowed—2.5 Hours Full Marks – 100
Pass Marks—60
The figures in the margin indicate marks for each question.
Answer any three questions from Group A and any two questions From Group B.
Group A
1. (a) How is distribution of Grant usually effected?
(b) What are the general rules of Reappropriation? (6+14)
2. (a) What do you understand by standard or Financial Propriety?
(b) Specify the situations regarding
(i) Report of losses;
(ii) Responsibility for losses. (10+5+5)
3. (a) Name the authorities who may write off irrecoverable value of stores and up to what limit?
(b) Briefly describe assistance rendered by the Accountant General. (10+10)
4. (a) What does public Accounts mean?
(b) What are the provisions regarding payment of Revenue of the State into the Public Accounts? (5+15)
5. (a) Write on responsibility for moneys withdrawn from Public Accounts.
(b) What are the Audit objections and recoveries?
(c) What is doubtful drawings? (10+5+5)
Group B
Question Nos. 6 to 8 for the officers of Public Works and Irrigation Departments and Municipal Engineering Directorate.
6. What are the financial responsibilities of Chief Engineer and Superintending Engineer? (20)
7. Write short notes on:
(a) Sale and write off of stores;
(b) Fictitious Adjustments;
(c) Custody and Accounts of stock;
(d) Contracts. (4×5=20)
8. How is execution of supplementary items of works clone through working contractors? (20)
Question Nos. 9 to 11 for officers of the Forest Department.
9. What are the provisions regarding Remittance to the treasury by the Forest Department. (20)
10. (a) How is the Cash Book required to be maintained in Forest Offices?
(b) What is the procedure for correction of errors in the Forest Accounts? (10+10)
11. What is Schedule of New Expenditure in Forest Department? (20)
Question Nos. 12 to 14 for officers of the Excise Department.
12. (a) How is the Excise Officer intitled to receive and remit money?
(b) What is the procedure for preparation of budget estimates? (10+10)
13. (a) How is Excise Revenue remitted to the treasury?
(b) Explain the items treated as Excise Miscellaneous Revenue. (10+10)
14. What is Register of Stores? (20)
November, 1997
Time Allowed—2.5 Hours Full Marks—100
Pass Marks—60
The figures in the margin indicate marks for each question.
Answer any three questions from Group A and any two questions from Group B.
Group A
1. What is combination of appointments? In such cases state how pay and additional remuneration of a Government servant are regulated. (5+15)
2. What are the principles for allocation 0f expenditure between Capital and Revenue? (20)
3. What are the accounts a Treasury Officer should render to the Accountant General (A & E)? (20)
4. Under what circumstances can departmental receipts be appropriated towards departmental expenditure? (20)
5. Write notes on: (5X4=20)
(a) Contingency fund;
(b) Extraordinary leave;
(c) Settlement account;
(d) Average pay.
Group B
Question Nos. 6 to 8 for the officers of Public Works, Irrigation & Waterways Departments and Municipal Engineering Directorate.
6. What are the responsibilities of the Executive Engineer for exercising control over expenditure? (20)
7. Write notes on: (5×4=20)
(a) Security deposits;
(b) Appropriation and re-appropriation;
(c) Procedural steps for repair work;
(d) Contract documents.
8. What is Deposit works? What are the procedures to be followed in execution of Deposit works? (5+15)
Questions 9 to 11 for officers of the Forest Department.
9. What is the procedure for adjustment of Revenue Remittances in consolidated Treasury Receipts? (20)
10. How is compilation of Monthly Accounts made in Forest Department? (20)
11. How would you account for Earnest Money Deposits and Security Deposits? (20)
Question Nos. 12 to 14 for officers of Excise Department.
12. What are the procedures to be followed for disposal of things confiscated under Bengal Excise Act, 1909 as amended by Bengal Excise (Amendment) Act, 1914? (20)
13. State the circumstances under which spirits other than India made foreign liquor may be removed from distilleries and warehouses without payment of duty and pass fees without bond. (20)
14. Write notes on: (5×4=20)
(a) London proof;
(b) Still and wash;
(c) Recovery of establishment cost;
(d) Underbond issue of spirit and issue of spirit on payment of duty.
May, 1998
Time Allowed : 2.5 Hours Full Marks : 100
Pass Marks : 60
The figures in the margin indicate marks for each question.
Answer any three questions from Group A and any two questions from Group B.
Group A
1. What are the pay and allowances a Government Servant is entitled to when he is placed under suspension? (20)
2. Write short notes on –
a) Lapsed Deposits.
b) Fees and Remuneration.
c) Permanent Travelling Allowance.
d) Extraordinary leave. (5×4=20)
3. What are the accounts a Treasury Officer should render to the Accountant General? (20)
4. Briefly describe the main division of Government Accounts. (20)
5. a) State the principles of financial property to he followed by a Government Officer in incurring or authorising expenditure from public funds. (12)
b) Write the procedures to be followed in carrying out corrections of any entry in registers, records etc. (3)
c) State the rule provision regarding treatment of wilful absence from duty. (5)
6. What are the general principles that have been laid down to regulate the enforcement for losses sustained by the Government through fraud or negligence of individuals. (20)
Group – B
Question Nos. 7 to 9 for Officers of Public Works and Irrigation Department and Municipal Engineering Directorate
7. What are the provisions for inviting tenders?
What are the conditions of tenders?
What is the responsibility of a Divisional Accountant as regards the computation and checking of tenders? (20)
8. Write short notes on –
a) Transfer Entries.
b) Imprest Accounts.
c) Muster Rolls.
d) Contracts. (5X4=20)
9. a) What are the instructions that have been laid down regarding advances to contracts?
b) How are stock materials required to be 3old and written off?
c) What are the general rules governing purchase of stores? (20)
Question Nos. 10-12 are for Officers of the Forest Department
10. a) How are monthly accounts computed in Forest Offices ?
b) How are the errors required to be corrected in Forest Accounts? (10+10)
11. What are Forest Advances? Describe the mode of adjustment of the Forest Advances in the accounts of the Forest’ Officers. (20)
12. State the actions to be taken by a Forest Officer in respect of Earnest Money Deposits and Security Deposits paid to him in cash, remittance of such deposits to the Treasury and accounting thereof. (20)
Question Nos. 13 to 15 for Officers of the Excise Department
13. How is the Excise Officer entitled to receive and remit money? Give rule provisions.
What is the procedure for preparation of budget estimates? (10+10)
14. a) What are the various registers that are required to be maintained in District Excise Offices?
b) Write a detailed note on the Register of Licenses. (10+10)
15. Write notes on –
a) Register of Store.
b) Register of Licenses in Form No. 178. (10+10)
November, 1998
ACCOUNTS—Paper II (With Books)
Time Allowed—2.5 Hours Full Marks—100
Pass Marks—60
The figures in the margin indicate marks for each question Answer any three questions from Group A and any two questions from Group B
Group A
1. Write notes on:
(a) Contingency Fund;
(b) Proforma Accounts;
(c) Extraordinary Leave;
(d) Lapsed Deposits. (5×4=20)
2. For what purposes may the Treasury Officer permit withdrawals from the public accounts? What essential checks must he exercise before allowing such withdrawals? Is there any exception to these rules? (20)
3. What arc the provisions for regulating the grant of permanent advances? What is the primary purpose of such advances? Can a tour advance be made out of a permanent advance? (12+3+5=20)
4. (a) When a Government servant is appointed to officiate in two or more separate posts at one time how shall his pay be regulated?
(b) Where the dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement of a Government employee is set aside by a court of law, what pay and allowances would he be entitled to on his reinstatement? (8+12=20)
(c) What are the general principles that have been laid down to regulate the enforcement for losses sustained by the Government through fraud or negligence of individuals? (20)
Group B
Q. Nos. 6 to 8 for the Officers of PW, I&W Deptts. and Municipal Engineering Directorate.
6. What is deposit works? What arc the procedures to be followed in execution of deposit works? (5+15=20)
7. What arc the provisions of inviting tenders? What are the conditions of tenders? What are the responsibilities of a Divisional Accountant as regards the computation and checking of tenders? (20)
8. Write notes on:
(a) Security deposits;
(b) Appropriation and re-appropriation;
(c) Procedural steps for repair work;
(d) Contract documents. (5×4=20)
Q. Nos. 9 to 11 for Officers of the Forest Department.
9. What is the procedure for adjustment of Revenue Remittances in Consolidated Treasury Receipts? (20)
10. How is Compilation of Monthly Accounts made in Forest Department? (20)
11. How would you account for Earnest Money Deposits and Security Deposits? (20)
Q. Nos. 12 to 14 for Officers of Excise Department.
12. How is the Excise Officer entitled to receive and remit money? Give rule provisions. What is the procedure for preparation of budget estimates? (10+10=20)
13. Write notes on:
(a) Register of Stores;
(b) London Proof;
(c) Still and Wash;
(d) Register of Licences in Form No. 178. (5×4=20)
14. (a) What are the various registers that are required to be maintained in District Excise Offices?
(b) Write a detailed note on the Register of Licences. (10+10=20)
Can you please upload Accounts II (with Books) paper for Education Department Officers