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Hi, I am a gram panchayat employee, my present band pay is Rs. 8010 and grade pay is Rs. 2300. I am to complete 10 years of service in next month, which means I will be entitled with CAS benefit. Will anyone please tell me how it will effect to my basic pay? How much monetary benefit will I enjoy in such?
You should exercise option to take promotional benefit on 1st July after taking normal annual increment. So your pay will be fixed as under:
Band Pay: Rs. 8010
Grade Pay: Rs. 2300
Basic Pay: Rs. 10310
Add 1 increment @ 3% for annual increment on 01.07.2012
Basic Pay: Rs. 10620 i.e. (8320 + 2300)
Add promotional increment @ 3% of 10620 = Rs. 320
New Pay
Band Pay: 8320 + 320 = 8640
Pay Band: 2600
Basic Pay: 11,240
Date of next increment: 01.07.2013.
As suggested by admin the exercise of option to get promotional fixation from date of next increment i.e. on 01/07/2012 is beneficial to you.
If the option for promotional increment is exercised from next date of increment or 01/07/2012 then you are entitled to get two 3% hike on your existing basic pay (BP8010+GP2300). I doubt whether second 3% increment will be calculated on your increased basic pay or after adding one 3% on your current basic, as suggested by admin in his post above.
I think the calculations would be:
Current Basic,(8010+2300)=10310,
3% on 10310=310
Add 2X310=620 to your current band pay, your new band pay as on 1/7/2012 will be 8010+620=8630
New GP is 2600.
@admin pls. correct me if I am wrong. This is my reading of rules.
Following action is to be taken stepwise on 01.07.2012:
1. Granting of Promotional Grade Pay
2. Awarding Annual Increment
3. Awarding Promotional Increment
If the steps 2 & 3 are combined and oversimplified as awarding 2 increments it would result erroneous fixation.
Easy Procedure of pay fixation for this kind of case:
1. Allow the higher grade pay on the date of promotion. (8010+2600= 10610)
2. Allow annual increment @3% on 1st July over the amount of lower pay(3% of 10310=310) Pay increased to Rs 10620.
3. Allow promotional increment @3% on 1st July over the amount stood after granting annual increment(3% of 10620=320) Pay increased to Rs 10940.
4. Allow the amount of the different of Grade pay= Rs 300(2600-2300)
5.Pay fixed at Rs. 11240 (10940+300) out of which Band Pay Rs 8640(11240-2600) and Grade pay Rs. 2600. Next date of increment on next July.
To help my friends on this issue, I have already created an excel utility which is simple to use and provides the correct data. Actually this was my first utility to this forum and appreciated by our admin and many others.
But, one of my colleague who joined the service on 21-09-2000. His grade pay was Rs. 2600 and Band Pay Rs. 8620 on 01-09-2010. He was awarded increased grade pay Rs. 2900; thus his basic pay stood Rs.11520 on 1st July, 2011 he got 6% increment directly on Rs. 11520 (not 3% and 3%). Was it correctly done?
Was it correctly done?
Then how should had his fixation done? Please reply early, its very important.
As on 01.09.2010, Pay will be fixed as,
Band Pay: 8960
Grade Pay: 2900
Basic Pay: 11860
Next increment: 01.07.2011
Present Basic Pay: Rs. 12220
As the date of promotion falls between 2nd July to 1st January, his Pay should be fixed on 1st September, 2010. First he should be allowed promotional increment and thereafter higher grade pay on the date of promotion.
Promotional Increment =340(3% of Rs.11220)
Hike of Grade Pay=300.
Total benefit = Rs.640.
Pay should be fixed on 1st September Rs. 11860 (Band pay 8960, Grade pay 2900).
Next increment falls due on 1st July,2011.