I am Poli Roy. I joined secondary school on 26.08.2010 as AT of Hist (Pass). I am studying MA (Hist) through Netaji Subhas open university. I applied for permission to MC. But MC did not give me permission. Now I want to take commuted leave of 15 days (not continuous) for my exam preparation. I have taken one day medical leave since my joining. Can I take this leave without medical certificate? Please reply.
Commuted Leave can be taken on personal ground and there is no question arises to submit medical certificate.
Commuted Leave can not be taken on medical ground if there is medical leave is due to the credit of a teacher.
So, you can apply for commuted leave in your case.
Cross Reference: https://wbxpress.com/topic/commuted-leave/
My date of joining as a primary teacher is 02.09.2010 under DPSC. and due to illness i was not able to attend the school from 17.09.2011 to 25.09.2011. And after resuming on my post I have applied for leave for these days on producing proper medical certificate. But on 01.08.2012 I come to know that DPSC has sanctioned for me 08 day medical leave on without pay. So in this respect my questions are listed below
1)Can I get any commuted leave for those days??
2)If not then is there any possibility to lose my seniority or increment??
sir please reply me as I am very much confused with proper guidelines and future paths…
thanking you
It is necessary to know how you applied! I mean what kind of leave did you pray for? Did you pray for medical leave or commuted leave? I think you prayed for commuted leave and as because you could not take 9 days of commuted leave ( Hope you find the reason in the topic https://wbxpress.com/topic/commuted-leave/) you have been allowed with leave with out pay on medical ground. However if you prayed you should have been allowed medical leave for those days. How ever there will not be any loss of seniority or change on the date of increment for leave with out pay leave on medical ground.
Now you may also pray for re-consideration and allowing you the leaves as medical leave to get the payment for those days. You may also see the link for better clarification https://wbxpress.com/west-bengal-primary-education-leave-of-teacher-of-primary-schools-rules-1999/
Hope you will get more suggestion from the experts.
Now May there be a request to you that please do not add a new topic if one suitable topic is available for your post? Your consideration and co-operation is highly solicited.
In the first yr of service(after just five months) if a primary teacher fell in illness like chicken pox can he/she allowed to get any kind of leave for 15 days….please reply
first of all I want to make u know that after resuming I prayed for medical leave for those days but on 02/08/12 I was informed that I am not allowed to get leave(full pay) on medical ground as because I am not yet confirmed.
And now I know from u that they might allowed for me medical leave for those days now if after the application for reconsideration they don’t allow then can I pray for 07 days commuted on medical ground and 01 day without pay or 08 days half pay leave?
And also my next questions if I earned 15 days commuted then why I can enjoy only 07 days before confirmation is there any rule if so then why???
Next and last one if I earned 15 days commuted and 07 day enjoyable commuted means 14 days half pay leave then why the competent authority didn’t allow me to have 08 days half pay leave????
Sorry friend. Perhaps I was wrong. I provided you the information to the best of my understanding. Now revising the leave rule for primary teachers I think you may not avail medical leaves for those 8 days. But your service seniority will not be affected as you have been granted Leave Without Pay on medical ground. But it is very clear that you had 30 half pay leave on your account and so you could avail 15 commuted leave. So I will suggest to apply to the DPSC to reconsider and grant you commuted leave for those days.
I can’t say why the competent authority decided so. Commuted leave can be added with any other kind of leave except casual leave and compensatory leave. But I could not understand why should you be allowed 7 days of commuted leave! However, there is some confusion whether you will be allowed commuted leave/half pay leave before confirmation.
I am quoting some of the rule for discussion:
“(d) Half Pay Leave – A teacher may be granted half pay leave on appropriate medical certificate on the ground of his / her illness or private affairs not exceeding 30 days for each completed year of service:
Provided that no half pay leave shall granted for more than 180 days at a time.”
“(e) Commuted Leave – Commuted leave, not exceeding half the amount of half pay leave due, may be granted on medical ground on production of appropriate medical certificate or on the ground of private affairs”
“(f) Leave on Medical Ground – A permanent teacher may be granted leave on medical ground on full pay for a period of 15 days for each completed year.”
“5.Teachers appointed on deputation against deputation vacancy or purely temporary basis are entitled to enjoy casual leave for a period of proportionate to their service in the relevant calendar year.”
It is clear that the term “permanent teacher” is said only for Medical leave which is in the point no. “f”. So there is no question of continuation of the term..
Now point no. “5” may say temporary teachers can be allowed only casual leave or may explain the rule for casual leave. So i want opinion from other friends and I may suggest you apply for commuted leaves for all the days .thanks!