Respected Sir,
Thank you for reply. But the G O mention by you S/221 dated 30.08.2010 is not available. Please help me.
-Ram Prosad
Many people think that Commuted Leave or Half Pay Leave can not be taken when there is sufficient Medical Leave in the credit of an employee. But this is wrong. Commuted Leave can also be taken on personal ground irrespective of Medical Leave credit. And there is no question of Medical certificate in this case. You can pray for Commuted Leave for 3 days on personal ground only.
You can not pray for Commuted Leave on medical ground. Because you have Medical Leave in your credit.
Yes, the current G.O. No. S/221 dated 30.08.2010.
77/2, Park Street, Kolkata – 700 016
Circular No. S/221, Dated: 30-08-2010
From: The Secretary, West Bengal Board of Secondary Education.
To: The Heads of all Recognised Secondary Schools in West Bengal.
Sub: Clarification in respect of Medical Leave, Commuted Leave and Half-Average Pay Leave of Teaching & Non-teaching staff of Non-Govt. Aided / Unaided / Sponsored Institutions.
It is notified for information of all concerned that the matter regarding clarification of Medical Leave, Commuted Leave and Half-Average Pay Leave of teaching & non-teaching staff of Non-Govt. aided/unaided/sponsored Recognised Secondary Institutions in West Bengal has been considered by the Executive Committee of the Board in its meeting held on 23/06/2010 on some queries made by several institutions with reference to G. D. No. 79-Edn(S) dated 28/01/1997 of the School Department Govt. of West Bengal and Board’s Memo Nos. 2308/G dated 15/03/1982 & 15300/G dated 13/10/1972.
Clarifications are as follows:
(i) When the day immediately preceding the day on which a teaching or non-teaching employee’s Medical Leave/Commuted Leave/Half Average Pay Leave (other than leave on Medical Certificate) begins or immediately following the day on which his/ her such leave expires is a holiday or series of holidays, the teaching or non-teaching employee shall be deemed to have been permitted to leave his/ her station at the close of the day before or return to it on the day following such holiday or series of holidays.
(ii) When a teaching or non-teaching employee is certified medically unwell to attend institution holiday(s), if any, immediately preceding the day he is so certified shall be allowed automatically to be prefixed to Medical Leave/ Commuted Leave/ Half Average Pay Leave (leave on Medical Certificate) and the holiday(s), if any, immediately following the day he is so certified shall be treated as part of the leave.
(iii) When a teaching or non-teaching employee is certified medically fit for joining duty holiday (s), if any, immediately succeeding the day he is so certified shall be allowed automatically to be suffixed to Medical Leave/ Commuted Leave/ Half Average Pay Leave (leave on Medical Certificate) and the holiday(s), if any, immediately preceding the day he is so certified shall be treated as part of the leave.
(iv) Commuted leave on medical ground may only when no medical leave is due to the credit of a teacher or non-teaching employee.
The following examples are being cited in connection with the sanction of Medical Leave/ Commuted Leave/ Half Average Pay Leave:
1. For example if the vacation period beings from Sunday, the 16th of May and ends on Sunday the 13th of June, if any staff avails Half-Average Pay Leave or Commuted Leave (other than leave on Medical Certificate) from Tuesday the 11th of May and does not join duty on the last day of holding of school,i.e. on Saturday, the 15th of May but join the school on the first day after reopening of school, i.e. on Monday, the 14th of June must apply for leave for the period from 11th May to 15th of May suffixing 16th of May to 13th of June being holidays. But if the staff fails to join 14th of June, i.e. on the first day after the school reopens then the whole vacation period shall be treated as part of the leave.
2. For example if any staff availed Half-Average Pay Leave or Commuted Leave (other than leave on Medical Certificate) on and from Monday, the 12th of April, after attending school on Saturday, the 10th
of April, and then resume duty on Monday, the 19th of April the leave period of the staff must not include the Sunday the 11th of April, and Sunday the 18th of April but will include the holidays if any, on the 14th & 15th of April, 2010 in this case he/ she will apply for leave for the period from 12th of April to 17th of April prefixing 11th of April and suffixing 18th of April both being holidays.
3. In another example, if any staff avails Commuted Leave on and from Monday, 21st of December after attending school on Saturday, the 19th of December and then resumes his/ her duty on
Saturday, the 2nd of January the next year then he/ she will apply for leave for the period from 21st of December to 24th of December i.e. for 4(four) day’s Commuted Leave in lieu of 8 (eight) day’s Half-Average Pay Leave prefixing 20th of December and suffixing 25th of December to 1st of January being holidays.
4. Let the vacation period begins from Sunday the 16th of May, and ends on Sunday, the 13th of June. If any staff is certified medically unwell to attend institution on 25th of May and resumes duty on 16th of June, on being certified medically fit, he / she is to apply for Medical or Half Average Pay Leave or Commuted Leave (on Medical Certificate) from the 25th of May to 15th of June.
5. Let the vacation period begins from Sunday the 16th of May, and ends on Sunday, the 13th of June. If any staff is certified medically unwell to attend institution on 13th of May and is certified medically fit for joining duty on 10th of June, he / she is to apply for Medical or Half Average Pay Leave or Commuted Leave (on Medical Certificate) from the 13th of May to 9th of June.
N.B.: Prefixing and suffixing period will not be counted for any kind of leave.
Sd/- Partha Roy
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education
Thank you Sir
…but our School’s H.M. told that, according to A.I of Burdwan opinion, “Commuted leave in personal ground only be taken at the death of Father, Mother or own marriage, by any current related G.O”. Is there any communication number so that I can connect with our H.M at office time?
with regards,
Ram Prosad Dawn (Asst. Teacher)
Sir, this is the latest G.O. regarding the matter. H.M. should follow the Circular.
Sorry, no telephonic support is available from this end. G.O. speaks itself.
In this G.O. it is nowhere written that commuted leave can be availed on personal ground.
It only says that commuted leave can only be granted when no medical leave is due to the credit of the teacher.
Please help.
Sir, is there any G.O in particular where it is said, that half average pay leave cannot be availed by a school teacher, before completion of 4 years of service?
It would be very helpful if anybody can provide the relevant G.O if the answer to the above question is yes, or even if it is no.