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What is constituted service?
Re: Costituted Service
Govt. often forms/constitutes committee for different services e.g. NALSA (National Legal Services Authority) to provide free legal service to the weaker section of the society.
N.B: I googled and guessed.
Re: Costituted Service
Constituted Service is a Service constituted with specific posts/employees having duties of somewhat same nature, especially a special cadre that is distinct from others. For example – West Bengal Judicial Service, West Bengal Legislature Secretariat Service, West Bengal Civil Service, West Bengal Audit and Accounts Service, West Bengal Secretariat Service etc.
Those services are normally created with employees of the specific cadre who draw pay in u/r scale no. 16 and above and those services are different from others in respect of recruitment, service conditions etc. Some constituted service have its higher service but those higher services are being abolished in some cases like the Judicial Service.
Re: Costituted Service
In addition to Ray’s contribution I would like to add that reservation rules in different cadres under constituted service are GENERALLY NOT applicable for promotion (excepting WB Audit & Accounts Service). Inter se seniority once fixed on the basis of PSC Merit List at the time of initial appointment is final. In some cases, FUNCTIONAL upgradation is allowed with movement to scale 19 (example WBCS (Ex.)). In some cases, officers have dual responsibilities with two designations: example, OSD & JS as well as ADM. Anyway, concept & provisions of constitituted service are a little complicated compared to other services.
Re: Costituted Service
…….reservation rules in different cadres under constituted service are GENERALLY NOT applicable for promotion (excepting WB Audit & Accounts Service). Inter se seniority once fixed on the basis of PSC Merit List at the time of initial appointment is final. In some cases, FUNCTIONAL upgradation is allowed with movement to scale 19 (example WBCS (Ex.))…….
I partly disagree with ‘donyi_polo’. Majority of the constituted Services are under the purview of the reservation Policy.
The West Bengal Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Reservation of vacancies in Services and Posts) Act, 1976 states –
“3. This Act shall not apply in relation to, –
(a) any employment under the Central Government;
(b) any employment in the West Bengal Higher Judicial Service;
(c) Omitted;
(d) any employment in private sector;
(e) any employment in domestic service.”
Benefit of Scale No. 19 comes as the Career Advancement benefits in many constituted services. So as Scale No. 17 and 18, besides promotional upgradation to those two scales. Benefits of Scale No. 17, 18 and 19, when given as Career Advancement Benefit, Reservation Policy does not apply. It is not also attracted to the posts above u/r scale No. 19 (i.e.Grade Pay of rs. 8700/- after ROPA ’09) in any service.
The West Bengal Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Reservation of Vacancies in Services and Posts) (Amendment) Act, 2009 –
5(b)”There shall be no reservation in any post carrying the Grade Pay exceeding Rs. 8,700.”
Re: Costituted Service
Applications of reservation rules for PROMOTION vary from service to service. Reservation up to GP 8700 is not applicable for all the govt. services (Central & State). For example, WBCS (Exe.), All India Services etc. In such cases, benefit of reservation is extended up to the ‘lowest rung’ of Group-A service i.e. at the entry grade. In some services, there is no reservation for promotion in Group-A posts. Moreover, if there are separate Recruitment Rules for different cadres reservation is also applicable in case of promotion in Gr-A service of each cadre.
Benefit of reservation for promotion up to GP 8700 is also there in central govt. services. In my present central govt. service, there is reservation for promotion up to GP 6600. In my previous central govt. organisation, reservation is up to lowest rung’ of Gr-A service (GP 5400).
Re: Costituted Service
yes, “reservation up to GP 8700 is not applicable for all the govt. services (Central & State)” and “it is not also attracted to the posts above u/r scale No. 19 (i.e.Grade Pay of rs. 8700/- after ROPA ’09) in any service” (Central & State).
Re: Costituted Service
As commented above, an officer appointed at scale 16 (mentioned in ROPA as grade pay of a certain constituted cadre),directly would be considered as what cadre?
Please detail.
X appointed directly in a post P at a directorate D was to be given scale of pay (the exact language published in ROPA 81 book ) being “GRADE PAY OF WBHS ACCORDING TO QUALIFICATIONS”. Being appointed based on such principle, would X be eligible for nonfunctional MCAS as for constituted WBHS, viz. at 8,6,25?
Thanks in advance.