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W.B. Govt. has accepted Millennium Business Solutions India’s bid for supporting of COSA implementation in Govt offices. But our experience about this institution is very bad. They are not cooperating us properly. Therefore it hampers our normal office work.
I also agree your view.
And be aware about the fact that they are installing COSA after formating a good condition machine just for money. It creates problem for office data.
Its nothing but cheating with the Govt. Lets have more experience of other members and thereafter we shall try to draw the kind attention of the concerned authorities.
We have implemented COSA on year 2005 in our offices in PWD. But it is based on Foxpro. Can anybody elaborate, whether it will be valid now? or we have to change to SQL server based?
will it be valid now? or we have to change to SQL server based?
Hi friend. Sorry for the late reply. As per recommendation of the 13th Finance commission, the salary bills must be generated by using COSA software package and the bills should be submitted both in soft and hard copies. The foxpro based server is not capable to generate soft copy. Moreover the data required for each employee is presently much more than the previous versions for which SQL server is necessary. Thats why you should switch it to SQL server. You may have manuals for upgrading to SQL server in the link below. http://wbfin.nic.in/Page/publication.aspx?type=17
after scrolling from June’12 to July’12 the DA is calculating without NPA. Our Cosa is updated by 05/07/2012 from the website wbfin.nic.in . We can’t understand whats the problem is . Pls help.
I have not much idea about this. You may contact the agency of your zone. For a quick solution, you may delete the new exe file and continue using the old one which was providing you the correct calculation.
Our experience also very bad with Millennium Business Solutions India, the COSA implementing agency. That agency have installed COSA in our office machine in the month of June but not yet demonstrate the software i.e process of data entry etc. We have requested them regarding this but no response get yet. also they have not provide CD of the software which means the office will compel to call them each time of formatting of the machine. the agency is doing so just for money i think. we have prepared salary bill for july in our own software but don’t know whether treasury will accept this bill or not.
From some reliable source, I came to know that the date for implementation of COSA is going to be extended upto 20th August,2012 but the Govt order not yet published. I hope it will be published soon.
Thanks for information. I think you are right, because I know many office of my district not yet ready to implement COSA in all respect.