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An employee of West Bengal Government was sent on deputation from Kolkata HQ to Barrackpore which is 25 Kms from Kolkata . He lives in Kolkata in Government Quarters. He used to avail the office car for up and down journey. However, he used to work for almost 12 hours on working days including Saturdays. My question is that whether the said Government employee is entitled for Daily Allowance? I have been informed that such employee may avail D.A up to 180 days of his transfer on deputation and not beyond that. Had he not used the official car he would have also been entitled for TA. This rule is said to be in WBSR Part II.Is this information correct? Can any body kindly enlighten me about the said order.Kindly refer with the respective G.O and oblige.
An employee of West Bengal Government was sent on deputation from Kolkata HQ to Barrackpore which is 25 Kms from Kolkata . He lives in Kolkata in Government Quarters. He used to avail the office car for up and down journey. However, he used to work for almost 12 hours on working days including Saturdays. My question is that whether the said Government employee is entitled for Daily Allowance? I have been informed that such employee may avail D.A up to 180 days of his transfer on deputation and not beyond that. Had he not used the official car he would have also been entitled for TA. ……
What is his normal duty point in this case? Whether Kolkata HQ or Barrackpore! If it’s Kolkata HQ, he is normally eligible for DA. In case of local tours, DA is generaly admissible for continuous spell of 180 days if (1) his temporary place of duty is more than 8 km from normal duty point and, (2) he is on duty in that temporary place for more than 6 hrs..
TA is also admissible if his temporary place of duty is more than 8 km from normal duty point irrespective of whether the journey is performed from place of residence or from the normal place of duty.
But,from the case under reference, it seems that his normal duty point is Barrackpore. If so, he is not eligible.
Yet WBSR is to be consulted b’coz there may be some special provisions which may vary from one deptt. to other subject to the nature of jobs.
Dear Adil Sir,
As far as my knowledge goes, the Government of West Bengal has published the WBSR – Part – II last in 1988 and it was corrected up to 11th December 1986 and it was related to ROPA 1986. After that ROPA 1996 and ROPA 2009 was declared by the State Government but the WBSR Part – II in respect of those ROPA was not published due to some unspecified reason.
Vide Note 6 (a) & 6 (b) of Rule 57, Chapter V of WBSR Part – II, 1988: –
Note 6. …………………..
For the time spent in transit only the ordinary rate of daily allowance will be admissible irrespective of whether the journey is to an expensive locality for which special rate of daily allowance is admissible or not. However, in cases where a Government employee comes to Calcutta on duty from an outstation and returns to headquarters on the same day,-
(a) if out of total duration of such absence from the headquarters (i.e., starting with departure from headquarters and ending with return thereto) the time spent in transit is more than that of actual halt at Calcutta, daily allowance will be admissible at the ordinary rate;
(b) if, however, the time spent in Calcutta exceeds the time spent in transit daily allowance will be prescribed for Calcutta.
In this case the particular employee is coming from Calcutta which is his headquarter as well as he is residing at Government accommodation at Calcutta and performing his deputation job at Barrackpore, he can be entitled for the daily allowance for the ordinary places (single halting).
If the person deputed there on transfer n deputation he can entitled to get the full single halting daily allowance for the first 60 days and half single halting daily allowance for 61days to 180 days and beyond 180 days he in entitled to get nothing.
In case the person performing his duty at Barrackpore on daily reporting basis he can entitled to get full single halting for his entire period of deputation at Barrackpore. Every new day could be treated as a single day.
If the person surrender his car – he will be entitled to get the TA for his journey in comparison with the previous two paragraph.
I think I have explain your query.
Tanmoy Bandyopadhyay
Dear friends – today after a vivid search I got a copy of “Revised Traveling Allowance & Daily Allowance Rules on Recommendation of the Forth Pay Commission, Government of west Bengal, Audit Branch” Vide No-4730-F Dated 25th May, 1999 with its Annexures.
The relevant part of the Annexure in connection with the query of Adil Sir is quoted herewith: –
5. Local journey redefined:
In partial modification of Rule 71B of the West Bengal Service Rules, Part II, the term ‘local journey’ shall henceforth be constructed to mean a journey to a temporary duty point beyond 8 kms. from the permanent duty point at headquarters but within a radius of 20 kms. thereof.
1. For such local journey other conditions remaining the same, a Government employee shall draw, for journey involved, mileage allowance and in addition draw 50% of daily allowance calculated at the rates laid down in rule 71A of the West Bengal Service Rules, Part II i.e. where the absence from headquarters is for less than twelve hours but exceeding six hours and exceeding twelve hours at 35% and 50% respectively of the normal rate of daily allowance.
2. No traveling allowance or daily allowance shall be admissible for the local journey to the same temporary duty point beyond 60 days.
3. Unless it is expressly allowed by the Government by any special order, half i.e. night-halt shall not be allowed for performing duties at the out-station falling within the jurisdiction of local journeys.
8. Journey by Government vehicles:
Regarding use of Government vehicles and admissibility of daily allowance the provisions laid down in the “State Government decision” under Note 6 below rule 157 of West Bengal Service Rules, Part II shall be modified as follows:
“Government vehicles should not be used between places connected by Railway except with prior approval of the Controlling Officer, who will accord such approval only in the exigencies of public service and after having due regard to the need for performing the journey by Government vehicle.”
Tanmoy Bandyopadhyay