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I joined School on 1st August, 2002. I want to know the date of increment of 10 years benefit.
Date of Increment after 10 yrs Benefit
Date of increment will be on 01.08.2012.
Next increment will be on: 01.07.2013.
Date of Increment after 10 yrs Benefit
Thanks 4 quick response.
another question
If joining date was 02/02/2003, when will get 10 years benefit increment .
Wait 4 quick response
Date of Increment after 10 yrs Benefit
One additional increment on 01.07.2013 (as 10 yrs benefit) after getting a normal increment. Additional increment is to be calculated upon the basic derived after the normal increment (It is higher than 2 increments at a time).
To enjoy this benefit employee has to submit pay fixation option i.e. a declaration that he do not want to take increment on the admissible date (02.02.2013) instead he intends to fix his pay on 01.07.2013.
Date of Increment after 10 yrs Benefit
Re: Date of Increment after 10 yrs Benefit
Please guide me about the increment after 10 years benefit and normal increment of a teaching staff joined on 05/05/2005.
Re: Date of Increment after 10 yrs Benefit
Dear Mr. Dutta,
First, pls go through ROPA,2009 for teaching and non-teaching staffs and, then see the clarifications in G.O. No. 181-SE /5B-1/09. Dated, the 8th October, 2009 and No.30-SE /5B-1/2009 Dated, the 10th February, 2010 from the following links:
See the case study of a critical situation and discussions from the following links:
With regards.
Re: Date of Increment after 10 yrs Benefit
My joining date is 27.11.02. What will be my 10 years benifit fixation date?
Re: Date of Increment after 10 yrs Benefit
Date of joining = 27.11.2002,
Date of completion of 10 years regular service = 26.11.2012
Date of fixation of pay = 27.11.2012 (by allowing one additional increment with reference to PB+GP last drawn).
Date of next increment = 01.07.2013.
Re: Date of Increment after 10 yrs Benefit
10 Year benefit will be due:
!) In case of, date of joining in between 02.01.xxxx to 30.06.xxxx :- After completion of 10 year continuous service, ensuing 1st July after getting his/her periodical increment and one another increment on the same day @3% of B.Pay.due to 10 year benefit.
2. In case of date of joining in between 01.07.xxx to 01.01.xxxx. 10 yrs. benefit due on the same day after just completion of 10 year continuous service as per above noted rate. Isn’t my friend Mr. donyi-polo? All the best.