(1) In the event of removal from service, the present service of an employee is forfeited but he finds scope of re-employment in another govt. job in future subject to fulfillment of other criteria. Such re-employment scope is not available to an employee if it is a dismissal from service.
(2) Retirement is the winding up of regular official activities in business or employment. It may take place on or before attainment of the maximum age prescribed for that profession. For example, voluntary retirement is brought about on the volition of an employee before he/she reaches the maximum age limit of that service i.e. it’s a premature retirement. Compulsory retirement implies the binding on the employee to retire from service because of dissatisfaction of the employer with the employee on the ground of misconduct/ill health or any bindings on the employer like abolition of post/service.it’s also a premature retirement.
Superannuation is the act of attainment of maximum age limit prescribed for the service, with entitlements to all the attached benefits.
Retirement on superannuation is the end of normal length of service on attainment of maximum age limit prescribed for that service. This is the most common case of retirement.
(3) Suspension from duty is not a punishment at all ! It’s a temporary step taken against an employee on the ground of some objectionable acts. Main intent of suspension is to keep the concerned employee away from the office/workplace so that he/she can’t interfere with/influence the official proceedings being conducted against him. Basically, this becomes a social stigma for an employee.