What is the effect of restructuring of cadre strength on the carry forward vacancy of SC/ST under new recruitment rules?
Let me elaborate. As per the existing recruitment rules sanctioned strength of post of ‘Sr. Officer’ is 100. In this year (2013) 4 SC vacancies have remained unfilled by DPC because of nonavailability of the eligible officers from the feeder grade (‘Jr. Officer’). So, these 4 SC vacancies will be carried forward to the next year (2014), leaving scope for early filling up by the SC candidates who are presently working in the post of Jr. Officer and will be eligible for promotion in 2014. Now, in next year (2014) the cadre restructuring is done for all the posts of the department, including posts of Sr. Officer & Jr. Officer, sanctioned strength for each post is also changed, and NEW RECRUITMENT RULES are formed for each posts. In this situation what will be the fate of those 4 carry forward SC vacancies in the post of Sr. Officer in year 2014 under new RR and new sanctioned strength? Whether they will still be treated as ‘carry forward vacancies’ in new set up or be considered as current vacancies?