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It is observed that due to ignorance regarding relevant Rules, major mistakes occured at the time of Fixation of pay. We should be aware about the procedure of fixation of pay otherwise the music will be felt at the time of retirement if not previously objected by Audit and rectified by the competent authorities. We have an example here which I would like to quote below:-
Now in my case my headmaster has given me both the increments on 11 January 2011 and again an annual increment on 01 July 2011. Now to go with rule you have mentioned what steps should I take right now and how to put an option to clarify all these things. Please Guide me in details.
WBXPRESS wrote:Your case shall be considered as “Erroneous Pay Fixation”. And there are steps to be followed to rectify it to avoid any future litigation.
Now, as per recommendation of the site admin, I would like to request all the members of this site to discuss the matter how to rectify the Erroneous pay fixation. What will be the best procedure to rectify the omission. Lets share our experience and take active participation on this topic. Thanks to all.
Let me share my experience first.
Being appointed in the Judicial department as an L.D.C. , I had the opportunity to learn the basic Judiciary works but never had the opportunity to learn the works of Accounts and due to that I had threat about Accounts. After few months of my promotion on September, 2010, I was suddenly posted as an Accountant. Due to such posting, I found myself in a very uncomfortable position. None of my colleagues had the perfect conception of Accounts, specially regarding the procedure of Fixation of Pay.
During perusal of a service book of one of my colleague who was also promoted at the same time of my promotion, I found that his pay was fixed at an amount which was more than of mine . Due to ignorance, I applied to the competent authority for re-consideration of my Fixation of Pay (Which was found correct later) and due to that I came to know the real fact though I was asked to show cause.
Actually, the erroneous calculation was made by my predecessor. As the date of promotion was between 2nd January to 30th June and both of us exercised option to get the promotional increment on the date of Annual increment, we should be granted grade pay of higher scale for the interim period and two increments on 1st july. At the time of calculation of the increments the grade pay of lower post should be taken into account.. In my case it was ok but my colleague was allowed the increments taking into account the grade pay of higher post.
The fact of erroneous calculation was determinated nearly after one year and when I said my colleague regarding the said omission he shocked thinking about his future. I advised him to file an application stating the fact as far as possible. Being an accountant, I made a report quoting the relevant rules and some recommendations for rectification of the errors. An Office Order was made in this regard to rectify the erroneous calculation and a calculation sheet was prepared from where it appeared that a certain amount was already overdrawn by the incumbent. The incumbent was directed to refund the overdrawn amount through T.R.7 on proper head. A detailed note was made in his service book incorporating the Office Order and the deposited copy of T.R. 7 was pasted theirin.
In the conclusion, I must say, we can learn from our mistakes and therefore should not consider the mistakes as a curse.
Mr. Som is right.
The overdrawn amount can be deposited by TR 7 with proper account head. (Pay head – V-70)
But there is another way. The total overdrawn amount can be deducted from his next monthly salary bills in installments as per incumbents wish.
You are right Mr. Nandy. Thats why I have added the new feature in my excel utility SSS(400). Incumbent may deduct the amount of excess payment as overdrawn using that utility.