Dear Sir/Friends,
I have completed one year of service on 14/07/12 and I didn’t got any P.F. account number till now? Also my PF deduction has not been started yet. Whenever I asked our school clerk and H.M. about this matter, They reply that it will be deducted after confirmation of my service. Is it correct? Also, I am in permanent post. So, as per my knowledge, the confirmation period for permanent post is one year, Isn’t it?
From some sources I came to know that PF contribution must be started after one year of service. Now, I am confused.
Plz tell me the rules of PF deduction and minimum amount to be contributed to PF.
How to get PF account No.
Your valuable suggestion will be a great help for me.
Prabhat Pradhan
It depends on the type of vacancy.
1. Regular vacancy- After two years continuous satisfactory service.
2. Additional vacancy- After creation a permanent post due to increasing roll strength & after approval of concern D.I/s.( vide D.S.E. Memo No. 2974(17)GA dt. 8.12.88) It may be two years or more.
G.P.F contribution.
As per GPF rules -1995 it is mandatory. Please apply immediate to the head teacher in Form – 1 & form-2 (For nomination). You may take Retrospective effect. That is why no problems. Be cool and take steps. with regards.
Thanks Asit da for your reply. Let me add some more.
They reply that it will be deducted after confirmation of my service. Is it correct?
Not at all. There is no relation between G.P.F. subscription with confirmation of service. The subscription should be started after one year of continuous service.
As per my knowledge, the confirmation period for permanent post is one year, Isn’t it?
Plz tell me the rules of PF deduction and minimum amount to be contributed to PF.
How to get PF account No.
For considering the matter of confirmation in respect of permanent post, there should be two years continuous and satisfactory service. The minimum rate of subscription p.m. towards GPF is 6% of Pay. For more information you may have a look at the relevant rules at the link below. https://wbxpress.com/topic/ddo-for-school-teachers/
It depends on the type of vacancy.
1. Regular vacancy- After two years continuous satisfactory service.
2. Additional vacancy- After creation a permanent post due to increasing roll strength & after approval of concern D.I/s.( vide D.S.E. Memo No. 2974(17)GA dt. 8.12.88) It may be two years or more.
G.P.F contribution.
As per GPF rules -1995 it is mandatory. Please apply immediate to the head teacher in Form – 1 & form-2 (For nomination). You may take Retrospective effect. That is why no problems. Be cool and take steps. with regards.
Thanks Asit da. But where should i get form 1 and 2. Is it available on website for download?
Thanks to all friends for your valuable suggestion and guidance. I have one more query. Is it allowable to deduct pf of two months at a time.My date of joining is 14/07/11 and so as per my knowledge pf deduction was supposed to be started from the salary of July. Isn’t it?
But it was not deducted. Now is it possible to deduct the pf contribution for two months at a time? if possible, then what is the procedure? and what is nomination form 1 and 2?
my joining date is 23/01/2003, i have no personal PF account.school says govt aided secondary schools deposit PF to the account named after the school. how far is it legal? why can’t we have personal PF account? how would the school provide the position/slip of my PF and when at every year? sir, please discuss the matter.
@ rabi: Please go through the link below, you will find most of the answers to your problem related to PF.
THANKS FOR THE REFERENCES.I am being clear on the matter. alittle thing is to know whether we must have individual P.F account. if i can collect any document ,i’ll surely share it.many many thanks for the references …rabi
As you have joined in a approved permanent post, your P.F (minimum 6% of Basic Pay+D.A.) will be deducted by the school. If you do not apply and fill up the (a)Form-1,(b) Form-2 (nomination), 3 months before the completion of one year service , then your HM himself will filled the form and deduct PF from your salary. In the both cases the Head of the institution will fill the Form-3 (Index Register) and will give you the A/C No.of your PF Ledger (Form VIII).
Suppose, You are in Paschim Putiary Sukharanjan Vidyamandir, under Kolkata D.I.,then your A/C No. will be -KOL/D.I./ PPSV/25 (as applicable by the serial of your appointment).
My suggestion is to deduct the amount always in round figure. i.e. Rs.500/-,600/-….so on….
Yes you can deduct you arrears of PF at a time. You will not be allowed to change the amount in the middle of the year. You will change it in the requisition for the month of MARCH or when your minimum amount will be below 6% of B.P.+D.A. due to increase of salary. Thank you.