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I am an assistant teacher in English(H/PG), appointed through S.S.C on February 2010. It’s a new set up school recognized in 2008. Yet no school building is constructed due to the negligence of the S.I who happens to be the secretary of the ad-hoc committee. Money for development of the school is usurped by the S.I. The school is however run in the premises of an adjacent primary school. The D.I office is silent to all complains. what to do in this situation? The 5 teachers are helpless as the S.I is virtually torturing us as we complained against him.
Welcome to this forum, my friend.
If any person from the locality of the School premises wish to know the cause of such delay as per Right to Information Act, the respective authority will surely act on war footing basis. This is the best solution in my opinion.
Welcome to our community Biswadeep. We are glad to have you. I am fully agree with our Admin. All of your teachers get united against the S.I. and try to build a teachers community including teachers of others schools too. Disclose the actual fact behind the poor condition of the school premises to the educated and active guardians and also request them to knock the door of RTI. Being united none can harm you and once you will see the win of “TRUTH”.
Dear friend,
we know very well about the condition of new setup junior High School. A large number of Junior High School have been established without any infrastructure like as classroom, toilet, kitchen shade, electricity,sufficient drinking water etc. Even you know very well at the beginning stage of that schools ,as a primary teacher we have taken all the classes beside our normal duty without any extra remuneration. After that guest Teacher. you will face some problems at the 1st stage.you have an ad-hoc committee. Please motivate the other members of the said committee as such as President, T.I.C, and others including guardians of your students and some edn. interested person. Find out the problems first then take necessary steps jointly. Be cool please. It is also fact all the S.I./S are very busy at present. He is an officer of a Circle Office, 80 to 90 Pry. Schools run under the said circle,some of the S.I/S in-charge another circle i.e. more 80 or 90 pry. schools. He is a secretary of all new setup School, M.C.member of all High & H.S. Schools under the Circle. He is C.P.C.of the concern C.L.R.C. Center in- charge of Secondary and Higher Secondary Examination.He is also Training Programme Coordinator. So that I believe a permanent solution will come out very soon. Again I say Please take steps with cool head and jointly. With regards.