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With due respect I beg to state that I along with my four colleagues have applied for the post of Assistant Teachers in the 12th R.L.S.T conducted by WBSSC (South-Eastern Zone). I would like to mention we are all in- service teachers(H/PG Scale). We get the job by West Bengal Madrasah Service Commison . All of us joined at the same madrasah on 21.08.2010. The rule mentioned by WBSSC is that no in-serviced teacher shall not apply for the post of A.T in the same category unless he /she completed 2 full years service continuously.
But , as far as , the West Bengal Madrasah Service Commission is a different commission , we got the opportunity for WBSSC exam even though we did not complete mandatory 2 years experience. We are being recommended by WB Madrasah Service Commision are eligible for WBSSC, there is no bar in it though it is certain if we get selected we will lose our increments ,i.e, we will get the scale of a fresher candidate.
But to our amazement we discover today that the application form of three of us have been rejected on the ground of non-fulfillment of mandatory 2 years experience!!! . But other 2 get the validation of their forms!!! Al though we submitted same experience certificate as we all join on 21.08.2008. We , the rejected candidate , try to call our South Eastern Zone office at Barasat more than 100 times, the telephone rang , but there is none to receive the call!! At this one of our colleague go to WBSSC office at Barasat in person , the personnel says he could do nothing about it. He even said if we we take any legal action they will erase the record of the “in service” column of those 2 teachers who get eligibility to transform them into fresher candidate !!! What an eye wash.
I post here the application form no of the candidates who get rejected and validated respectively (The status can be seen in http://www.westbengalssc.com)
5005162 Amit Kumar Majumder Rejected
5055611 Jia Ur Rahaman Rejected
6147632 Sk. Idrish Ali Rejected
6115246 Sk. Sagiruddin Valid
6283843 Jakir Hossain Valid
Please inform what can we do now to sit for the exam?? It is very shameful act done by WBSSC , who took double standard stance !!!!
Please take some action to rectify irregularities done by the WBSSC.
Yours faithfully,
Jia Ur Rahaman
A.T , Chaltaberia High Madrasah (H.S)
N.B:- If the rule of 2 years experience is mandatory , then how can the application of SK Sagiruddin and Jakir Hossain be ok? Again I say we , the 5 teachers join the same madrasah on the same date,i.e, 21.08.2010 ? It is true that Sk. Sagiruddin and Jakir Hossain apply as a deputed candidate , not as a fresher one , they did not hide anything. Their status in the http://www.westbengalssc.com also shows they are in “In-Service” as well as ours.
I’d suggest to seek information from WBSSC as per Right to Information Act, about this. Anybody can do it, not necessarily you have to do this. Application procedure is detailed here: https://wbxpress.com/application-procedures-for-rti/
I am sorry I could not understand this as I am not attached with Education deptt.:
It is true that Sk. Sagiruddin and Jakir Hossain apply as a deputed candidate , not as a fresher one , they did not hide anything.
I am sorry to hear that such kind of irregularities is happening in SSC.
I think you should make an RTI as suggested by nimo.
Sorry to know of your plight. RTI Act 2005 will take a minimum of one month time to get the required information.After getting the information you will have to apply before the competent authority to register your grievances seeking remedy. By that time I believe you would become a loser by not sitting in the schedule examination and hence your purpose would remain unsolved. Please contact immediately a service lawyer of State Administrative Tribunal Kolkata dealing in such cases or of Calcutta High Court and try to get a stay on the examination pending the decision of your case.However, if stay is not granted then make an alternative prayer or submission before the Court of Law to pass a direction upon the O.Ps i.e State Respondents to keep a seat reserved and unfilled for yourself till the matter is decided. This is a fit case of violation of Article 14 of the Constitution of India. The entire appointments or the panel, if prepared ,is likely to be struck down by the Court provided you are able to prove the discrimination done against you.