Respected sir/mam
Ami reshma Sharma, Kolkata thaki. ami kanyasree prakalpa k2 form fill up kore6ilam and Joma dia6ilam 13/11/2014. amar form er serial no. 293389. ami akhono taka paini. jokhn ami ai form fill up kore6ilam tokhn ami ai taka paowar jonno eligible 6ilam. ami akhono taka paini. amar takar khub e dorkar sir/mam. plz help korun. plzzz.
Bon, tumi ei link-e giye tomar Year of submission (2013-14), Type os Scheme (K2), Application ID (293389) ebom Date of Birth diye tomar form-er status jene nao. Asha kori tomar kaaj hoye jaabe.
Sourish is absolutely right in the above post. But the sl. no.( 293389) you provided here is the Form No, not Application Id. For Application Id (a 20 digit no. generated during uploading the Form in Kanyashree Portal), you will have to visit your School where you submitted the Form. First you will have to check there if your form has been uploaded successfully. They (your school) can also help you to provide the status of your application. Now, if it is successfully uploaded and the grant has been sanctioned, it may take some more time for the Grant to be posted to your account. You will have to visit your bank to check this. Thanks.
@Reshma Sharma, I find from your Post, that you have submitted your form (K2) on 13/11/14. Are you a fresh or renewal candidate ? Have you received Rs. 500/- before or not? According to your date of submission, If all the processes and criteria are to be fulfilled, and your school submitted properly, then you may receive your money in the middle of August. Besides this, you contact your school about the status of your from. Otherwise if the ID is known ( it was possible if your case is renewal) to you, then follow the way of above process, placed 2014-15 instead of 2013-14.
Last date for Kanyashree online entry for FY 2014-15 is 30-Sept-2015 and online entry for FY 2015-16 will be started from 01-Oct-2015.
Last date for Kanyashree online entry for FY 2014-15 is extended up to 16th-Oct-2015
But when we get the PROFORMA for new entry ? Just before a few days back of last date, is not it ?? If the authority gives us the application form from now, then we can submit it properly, but they do not want to do so.
I attended a meeting with SDO, Birbhum, last week. He told us the new forms will be available within 10-12 October. By this time the school authority should identify the eligible beneficiaries and collect the documents, especially the Bank A/c details so that the process can be started as soon as the forms are available.
Here is the complete guidelines for implementation of Kanyashree for FY 2015-16