I would like to know that if a teacher absents himself/ herself during somedays, when MADHYAMIK examination will be held in his school and he/she would have to appear on invigilation duty,can the MC or Headmaster penalise/punish/showcause him/her for that and if so what would be the maximum extent of any punishment that might be given out to the teacher. Also I would be very happy if anyone can offer me the relevant G.O/Circular where this is stated. Also if punishment is given, who is the authority to do so? MC, Headmaster, DI, or the Board. A detailed reply would be appreciated.
Thanks and Regards.
As far as my knowledge goes such absent is treated as Medical Leave. MC is the competent authority to deal with the case.
Members from educational institutions may pls elaborate further.
in this case I would also like to ask, as the concerned teacher is in the second year of service and has 4 Medical leaves left, would he get advance medical leave for 2 days as, the need for absence would be about 6 days approx.
Availing of advance Medical Leave is permissible in the first year of service. Pls see the posts:
Since he is in the second year of his service and short of 2 Medical Leaves, I think, he may be allowed to avail of Half Pay Leave for remaining two days.
Let other members come out with expertise.
Actually in this case two things is important, one is the ground on which you’ll absent and other is the relation among the all staffs.
If the ground is an unavoidable circumstance, H.M may give you C.L by proper way through leave application. If not then you make take M.L or half avg. pay leave by sanctioning through M.C.
But if any staff deny to attain invigilation duty without any justified reason, then by rule School authority may take punishable action against him.
can anybody offer me the relevant G.O in this case? that is where it is stated that no advance medical leave can be accounted during second year of service, also if any teacher absents himself/herself from invigilation duty, due to unavoidable medical circumstances,in which G.O it is written that the teacher will be punished. Can anyone offer this G.O. too?
…… where it is stated that no advance medical leave can be accounted during second year of service,
You may see points 2, 3 & 4 of WBBSE Circular No. 8417/G dtd 07.11.81.
…… if any teacher absents himself/herself from invigilation duty, due to unavoidable medical circumstances,in which G.O it is written that the teacher will be punished. Can anyone offer this G.O. too?
I think Medical Leave can be granted in emergency, if justified properly.
Let others speak more.
… about punishment-
Thanks for all the information provided. Thanks a lot. But if the absence is on medical grounds, what will the last two days be? Medical Leave or others? the concerned teacher has 4 ML. and is in the second year of service having completed 7 months. Would he get proportionate medical leave for seven months?
Two Commuted Leaves (4 HPLs) may be taken on medical ground for the remaining two days, if no Medical Leave is granted.
Provision of the Education Deptt. (Secondary Branch) Notification No. 79-Edn. (s) Dated, Calcutta, the 28th Jan., ’94 is as follows:
“(2) Commuted leave, not exceeding half the amount of half-pay leave, may be granted on private affair or on medical certificate to a teacher or a non-teaching employee, subject to the following conditions:
(a) when commuted leave is granted, twice the amount of such leave shall be debited against the half-pay leave due;
(b) commuted leave on medical certificate may be granted only when no medical leave is due to the credit of a teacher or non-teaching employee;
However, as per WBBSE Circular No. 8417/G dtd. 7.11.81 there is no bar on availing of Medical Leave partially or proportionately from the 2nd year of service in secondary schools.