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1.When will the guardianship of father/mother of a student who is sent up for the M.P /H.S cease?
2. Validity of M.C upto 31.03.2013. M.C election can not be allowed before 15th March’13 due to admission in class V to X. More over, police administration do not assure to arrange police protection to conduct election peacefully on 23rd December’12. What should we do?
Dear brother Dawn,
Your advise is almost correct. But I advise to our friend Subhom to apply for the police protection with the tentetive date of MC election to Dist SP and make an arrangement to meet with SP to discuss regarding this. Still if the application rejected by the police then again try with another applition having proposal for bearing police cost for deployment of police. It may work.
Dear Subham,
It may at any time happen to any school and force it face a severe administrative crisis.
a) Inform the local police station in writing and get a receipt from them.
b) ask them to write their comment on the application whether they accept the application or reject it with some specific cause.
c) try to convince them telling your administrative urgency, because it is a time-bound matter and if the election is postponed for any reason whatsoever, you will have to face a great problem to proceed further, and go on with a smooth sail.
d) if they are convinced and accepts, no problem, if they rejects :
i) get the application duly signed and sealed with reason of refusal.
ii) move immediately to the Board with a copy of the application that was rejected by the police.
iii) inform the same in writing to the board and invite their suggestion
iv) get a receipt copy from the Board.
v) call an emergency meeting of your MC and inform them.
vi) get a resolution passed by the members
vii) thereafter move to SDO or SP for further help, if possible.
viii) keep a close contact with Board and inform every new development or problem you face.
ix) follow their suggestion at every step
x) if nothing works, you may have to apply for the extension of the tenor of the MC.
*****But remember, never move a single step ahead without confirmation from police in writing.
Many many thanks for valuable suggestion.
Plz. mentioned the date of cessation of guardianship of the father/mother of a student who is sent up for M.P exam?–whether the date is 31st December( for academic session January to December) or 30th April(As when academic session starts from May)?
Whether all the steps for election work may be allowed to start on and from 16th March’2013 or not, where validity date of M.C is up to 31.03.2013 and where no steps for election has been taken prior January’2013.