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Hi Forumers!
We all know that 08-May-2012 is declared as a Public Holiday in West Bengal under N I Act.
Is it possible that a school is remained open on that day?
And the absentee staffs are punished with a Casual Leave!
Please explain.
I think its never possible. It clearly violates the Govt. order. Lets see what our other friends say.
Schools will remain opened from 1st to 7th May as per G.O. No. 770-SE/S/10M-108/12 dated 23/04/12 for observing Kabiguru Rabindranath Tagore’s Birth Anniversary.
som & wbxpress
thanks for your reply.
Dear Friends.
I slightly disagree with you by posting my following humble submission.
If 8th May has already been declared by the school authority brfore hand of declaring it as holiday under NI Act and further if ALL THE TEACHERS want to enjoy their RIGHT TO HOLIDAY, how could it possible to observe the day where the talent of students are supposed to be nourished!
You may argue that as per G.O. dated 23-4-2012 they should observe from 1st to 7th May (please mind 6th is Sunday). But this G.O. could not be received by all schools. Some schools traditionally observe the day on 8th MAY every year, how could it be managed if all the teachers remain ABSENT( I should not use this – as it is a holiday then what should be appropriate word – REFRAIN)!
As per G.O. the week long observation should be “without hampering NORMAL CURRICULUM” that means after holding all classes and after end of all classes – will all those teachers, without violating Govt Order, do agree to remain PRESENT after school hours to pay homage to the Poet!
Will you please highlight the solutions to the dilemma from the school or Headmaster’s point of view! Is it that the Headmaster is using them for his personal service!
I think putting question on this matter is an attempt to insult the Great Kabiguru instead of paying homage to Him – as the Govt desires!
I personally attended a procession in the morning organized by a school where only 7 out of 23 teachers were present!
In my opinion Violation of Govt orders to the good or greater cause should not be considered as an offense.
I invite every member to discuss the problem from the school authority’s point of view in order to observe the day in presence of ALL TEACHERS on 8th or 1st – 7th MAY after school hour! Please post your views…
during writing this an SMS banged into my cell from an unsaved number asking me
” NI Act-r chhuti ki listed 65 days-r atirikta paoa jabe?”
what will be the answer!!!!
Dear friend Biku, I can not but appreciate your way of thinking. If all of us could set our mind on that way , I think it would definitely put our nation on a concrete base. Actually we all are in a topsy-turvy condition due to the policies of policy makers. Our friend Keyshikr rightly said that the right hand of our govt dont know whats the left hand doing.
From my point of view, the so called holidays for observing this kind of days should be stopped. Better to declare it some observing day. The homage should be paid not only at the institutions but also at all the Govt. offices and all of us should take participation.
Waiting for more comments from our friends.
” NI Act-r chhuti ki listed 65 days-r atirikta paoa jabe?”
what will be the answer!!!!
I dont think so as it is already enlisted as a holiday.
From my point of view, the so called holidays for observing this kind of days should be stopped. Better to declare it some observing day.
I also agree with your proposal. with thanks.
” NI Act-r chhuti ki listed 65 days-r atirikta paoa jabe?”
I think it is listed holiday of all Primary School Council. It is in 65 but we observe the day every year like as Independence day, Republic day.
that is why it is not extra near us.We have observed 1 to 7th may on account of last phase of 150th birth day. to day i.e 8/5/12.is 151th.Birthday . With regards.