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I am working as medical officer at a primary health center under NRHM in West Bengal, since Feb,2010. My question is am I gazetted officer? Can I do attestation of documents?
Dear friend Risab,
Please see the topic Who is a “Group – A Officer”? where it was discussed in details. I think it will fulfill your queries.
Mr. Tanmoy has already guided you to the discussion on the topic of gazetted officers and attestation power, which was made in the forum earlier. Pls explore it through the link below: Who is a “Group – A Officer”?
Also see further details from the following link: https://wbxpress.com/attestation-by-gazetted-officer/#comment-7689
As far as I know, the doctors of NRHM are being appointed on cotract basis/ ad-hoc basis for a short period. If so, they are not govt. officers – neither Group-A Officers in the state govt. employ nor Gazetted Officers (All Gr-A & certain Gr-B posts) in the Central Govt. employ to have attestation powers! Even such attestation power is not delegated to them by state govt., as is delegated to other non-govt. officials like Lecturers/Profs./ Registrars/ VCs/Principals/Vice-Principals etc. of recognised universities and colleges and, HMs of aided/sponsored schools in WB. Pls look into the official procedure of your appointment and get your answers!
Sorry , I have seen ur links , but there it is not mentioned whether doctors working under NRHM, are gazetted or not?….Pleses make clear this..
Dear risab_slg,
Everything is there in the links, especially in the series of communications available from the second link. There is no special provisions for govt. doctors. All the govt. doctors under Central Govt. are “Gazetted” Officers if their appointment is notified and published in the official gazette of the Govt. of India from New Delhi, similar to the cases of other Cent. Govt. Gazetted Officers. In case of State Govt. services, all the govt. doctors (medical officers) are Group-A Officers and their appointment is notified by the Govt. Like Gazetted Officers of the Central Govt. and Group-A govt. officers of the state they also have authority for attestation of documents and grant of certificates . the term “Gazetted” is not used for Group-A Officers of the govt. of WB because notification of their appointment is not published in the State Gazette (Kolkata Gazette). Practice of Publication of notification of appointment in respect of Group-A Officers of our state was abolished in 1977.
Pls don’t think that only Gazetted Officers of Central Govt. and Group-A Officers of State Govt. services have attestation power. Some non-Gazetted Central Govt. Officers of Group-B rank also have attestation power; for example: Post Masters of local Post Offices, Rly. Station Masters.
Besides govt. officers, power of attestation has also been delegated to many non-govt. higher officials like Profs./Lecturers/Registrars/Principals/Vice-Principals etc. in recognised universities & colleges and, Headmasters/Headmistresses of aided/sponsored schools in WB.
Anyway, in the light of above stated clauses now you think whether you are a Group-A state govt. officer or not! Whether your appointment in govt. service was notified or not! Whether any special power of attestation has been delegated to your post or not!
If you fulfill the said criteria you shall have attestation power!