I was a regular permanent employee of government of Karnataka, appointed in the department of Animal Husbandry on 23-03-1992. I was having GPF account No. VET-8500 allotted in the department, allotted by AG of Karnataka. I have served in the department there for about more than twenty years and later on i have applied for the post of Asst. Professor in Karnataka Veterinary University ( an autonomous body ) in 2012 through proper channel and after selection i have taken permission from the dept.of Animal Husbandry and got relieved from the dept. and joined University after 01-04-2006, the date from which, Karnataka govt. has implemented New pension scheme . So for those who have joined government service after 01-04-2006 , they are covered under new contributory pension scheme and there is on GPF provision for them. On the similar lines, saying that i am not “a transferred employee , retrenched employee or candidate appointment by the department”. University registrar have denied my application of request for allotting me a new GPF account in the university, because they are treating me as new employee recruited after 01-04-2006. So with this background am i eligible for opening GPF account in the University. Please give me some clarification so that i can challenge this in the court of law.
Thanking you sir Sincerely yours
with regards (Gopala.G.T)
Here is what I understood:-
1992 to 2012: Karnataka Govt. Employee
2012: Relieved from Deptt. of Animal Husbandry, Govt. of Karnataka.
2012 to till date: Asstt. Professor in Karnataka University (autonomous).
Please tell me about your GPF Account status after 2012.
Please also tell me whether University opens GPF A/c or CPF A/c?
Here is what I understood:-
1992 to 2012: Karnataka Govt. Employee
2012: Relieved from Deptt. of Animal Husbandry, Govt. of Karnataka.
2012 to till date: Asstt. Professor in Karnataka University (autonomous).
Please tell me about your GPF Account status after 2012.
Please also tell me whether University opens GPF A/c or CPF A/c?
Because university didn’t reply to my request of opening of new GPF account and as per the directions given by AG , i have withdrawn the all the amount standing in my account in April 2013.
Yes, University is having GPF account to its employees.
So, University adopted NPS w.e.f. 2006 and all accounts opened thereafter are CPF account. Nothing wrong with that.
While changing job, where both establishments maintain GPF account, then the best thing was to continue with GPF Account subscription. Instead, you closed GPF Account. This step is not favourable with you.
Now, it was the responsibility of the University to open your PF account within April, 2014. What about that? Do you have any account right now?
In-spite of repeated requests, University did not respond about opening of GPF. So we have closed our earlier account. But i am ready to pay back the amount which i have received by means of closing the account , if i am eligible legally to open GPF account in the University. Right now i do not have any GPF account. Since both establishments maintain GPF accounts to its employees, am i eligible to open GPF account in the University? What are the legal possibilities of opening GPF account.? Please give me some suggestion.
But i am ready to pay back the amount which i have received by means of closing the account
You can not.
But University must open PF account (GPF or whatever) in favour of you at the earliest. Otherwise legal action against University can be taken.
Do you have any PF account right now?