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Is participation of the Assistant Teachers in the Mid-Day-Meal programme (maintenance, supervision and cooked food serving) in a State (WB) Govt. sponsored and aided High school/upper primary school in west bengal compulsory??? related Govt. Orders needed.
Dear Sir, It is no doubt a valuable question. From the Chief Secretary ,Govt. of W.B. , we come to know that the Guidelines on duties and responsibilities of various officials connected with distribution and monitoring of Mid Day Meal in the State vide Circular No. 111-CS/2011 dated June 9, 2011.
There are 10 duties and responsibilities of the Headmaster/Headmistress/T.I.C. of the school.
1) Headmaster is the pivotal person in running MDMP in the school.
4) He/She is also ensure that food prepared for MDM is tested by two/three community members including at least one teacher before it is served to the children.
6) ………. Regular supervision from his /her end is necessary.
7) He /She may utilize the service of any of the teachers/staff of his /her school rotationally.
It is impossible to maintained thousand of responsibilities of a Headmaster to perform these school activities . Assistant Teacher should assist to the H.M. to execute the activities and it will be regarded as a part of participation. Please help him as you can. Thank you.
“Is participation of Assistant Teachers … in MDM Programme … compulsory ?”
Let the aforesaid question vibrate the following ones :
Is participation of Assistant Teachers in …
a) daily prayer session
b) daily provisional time table
c) annual sports
d) annual cultural programme
e) the 26th Jan and 15th August celebration
f) train students for cultural and sports performances
g) guardian meetings
h) staff council meetings
i) representation to MC
j) publication of wall magazine and annual magazine
k) development works
m) conducting exams
n) preparation of question papers in special cases
o) evaluating answer scripts
p) tabulation and preparation unit and annual results
…………( and something like these, others may add ) ………..
compulsory ? Related GO needed.
No, friends. I affirm. There is no sufficient GO in all respects to make a teacher do all such duties. Whenever situation arises a teacher feels a call from within himself and he responds accordingly. The aforesaid programmes are quite participatory and a teacher, being within limits, may perform those. Why to wait for GO ? Gos are necessary, no doubt.
But, should we be guided only by GOs and not by our hearts ? It is only when we do not want to perform a particular duty or so.
And only then, the question “Is it compulsory to me ?” arises.
We are to keep in mind that our own little chaps are also students of this school or that !
Pls see the letter of Chief Secretary on the duties and responsibilities of Govt. officials and HMs/HTs in the implementation of MDM programme.
Mid-Day-Meal Letter No. 111-CS/2011 dated 09.06.2011
Dear Sir, It is no doubt a valuable question. From the Chief Secretary ,Govt. of W.B. , we come to know that the Guidelines on duties and responsibilities of various officials connected with distribution and monitoring of Mid Day Meal in the State vide Circular No. 111-CS/2011 dated June 9, 2011.
There are 10 duties and responsibilities of the Headmaster/Headmistress/T.I.C. of the school.
1) Headmaster is the pivotal person in running MDMP in the school.
4) He/She is also ensure that food prepared for MDM is tested by two/three community members including at least one teacher before it is served to the children.
6) ………. Regular supervision from his /her end is necessary.
7) He /She may utilize the service of any of the teachers/staff of his /her school rotationally.
It is impossible to maintained thousand of responsibilities of a Headmaster to perform these school activities . Assistant Teacher should assist to the H.M. to execute the activities and it will be regarded as a part of participation. Please help him as you can. Thank you.
In connection to the above highlighted comments, Some confusion has arisen in our school, as stated below. I shall be obliged if i get the matter more clearly from ‘DUTIES / RESPONSIBILITIES’ point of view.
I am an Assistant Teacher of HS Section of a school. Our HM verbally instructed us to ‘SERVE‘ MEAL AMONG STUDENTS. HM also instructed some of our teaching staffs to come earlier to perform as an OBSERVER supervising different type of work like food stuffs washing etc.
Students are like our children. So we are ready to give our best which will seem to be essential to make the MDM program successful.
But, my question is ‘are we (teaching staffs) bound to SERVE regularly or to supervise the above as an observer?’ and at the same time, ‘can HM instruct us the same?’
No, serving mdm in no circumstances can be recognised as a bounden duty of a teacher. Of course as a teacher one should observe the process & taste the food to ensure the little ones’ safety.
Dear friends,
We all know and aware of our duty. But when an S.D.O /B.D.O. or someone comes to visit and scolds to the HM , “absence of cooks , HM is bound to cook food and serve the children and it is present prescription “. In that situation, dear, we think , probably it may be, may be he is right. We have nothing to say because we get salary from Govt. Then we do “Yes Sir,Yes Sir….”, but nothing to say. There none to come to help you.
Such incidents are going on through all over….state/country. They don’t think, once upon a time they took their lesson from such community ( teacher). We don’t get respect from any office i.e. SI,AI,DI,BDO,SDO,ADM or DM. You know that leaders (member of MC or someone) are more powerful than those Bosses. You try to think a scenery of DI office. The HM (S) are oiling to a group D or a dealing clerk or an officer to find out a file or to sign a paper etc.etc. for himself or for his staff or for his students.
If I want to submit my experiences, then it will be a longer one.
So, I want to say my dear(s), don’t ask anything. Do as you can. Now we are in more poor condition than the British Rule.
Thanks and best wishes to all.
I want to know that on saturday after the last bell ring are we bound to stay for mdm ? Can HM give the red mark on my depurture time for that purpose ?