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Can any in-service teacher ( Exp: M.sc/ M.A, BED; Seniority: 9 Yrs) obtain the phD degree through distance mode? Mention G.O. no.
actually it is possible. Discuss about phD degree.
As per G.O. No. 904-SE(Secy) dated 19.12.1994, State Govt. (Education Deptt.), as a matter of policy, have not agreed to recognize any degree enhancing qualifications from any University.
As per G.O. No. 549-SE(S) dated 24.06.1997, Govt. recognized higher qualification through correspondence course/ distance mode from Vidysagar and Burdwan University. Govt. allowed such cases subject to relevance of the subject of higher studies and also whether higher studies are likely to affect the duties of the teacher in the School vide G.O. No. 549-SE(S) dated 24.06.1997.
As per G.O. No. 1158-SE(S) dated 09.09.2003, Govt. agreed to recognize all higher qualification through correspondence/ distance mode conducted by any recognized University.
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G.O. No. 1158-SE(S) dated 09.09.2003.
No.: 1158-SE(S)/6C-1/2003, Dated, Kolkata, the 9th September, 2003
From: Shri P. K. Goswami, Joint Secretary to the Government of West Bengal.
To: The Director of School Education, West Bengal.
Sub.: Recognition of degrees obtained through Correspondence/Distance Mode of Education Courses conducted by any recognised universities in the state.
The question of recognition of degrees obtained through correspondence/ Distance Mode of education Courses conducted by the universities in West Bengal had been under active consideration of this Department for some time past.
Under the circumstances, the undersigned is directed by order of the Government to say that all such courses started by the U. G. C. affiliated universities in West Bengal having prior approval of the Higher Education Department should receive automatic recognition in the matter of recruitment of teaching and non-teaching staff of schools in the State.
Sd/-Joint Secretary
Now can any teacher (eligible) obtained phD degree by the latest G.O. (2003)?
Can Ph.D. course be undertaken through distance mode?