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Please help me about the permission for up-gradation of qualification ,I completed H.S from Rabindra Mukta Vidyalaya without any permission from D.I. of school, so it is valid or not? if it is valid please send me the G.O. no.
Re: Permission for Upgradation of Qualification for in-servi
@anirban: A warm welcome friend to our family. Please say a little more details; Are you a primary teacher? when did you completed the course and what for do you need the validity?
And please don’t ask to send the G.O. no instead please ask “please provide the G.O.” because G.O.s are not generally sent but they are published in this forum.
Thanks you.
Re: Permission for Upgradation of Qualification for in-servi
Dear sir b_roy
I completed H.S. from R.M.V DURING MY service period without permission from D.I. of school. So, I request you kindly help me, is it necessary to take permission? Is this up-gradation legal? Please provide me G.O. no. I AM A PRIMARY TEACHER. H.S. completed in the year 2009 to 2011.
Re: Permission for Upgradation of Qualification for in-servi
Dear friend, first of all don’t worry.it is necessary to get permission. But for primary teacher I think permission should be obtained from chairman of the concerned DPSC. You should have intimate the authority for your study but there is no such system of higher study for primary teachers (except training). However I guess you need the the validity of the your H.S. as the minimum qualification has been set as H.S. now. Are you a candidate of 1 year bridge course or 2 year D.el.Ed course? if yes go with the course and put your h.s. certificate where necessary first then apply to the chairperson for post-facto permission for your course, I believe you will not face any problem and if you are not a candidate of such course then simply apply to your s.I. to put your qualification as H.S. in your service records if he denies apply to the chairperson (through proper channel) for post-facto permission for your course. In the mean time you put your qualification as H.S. in every possible documents such as Teacher Information Form (which also gives scope for at present qualification and qualification at the time of entry in the job) and perhaps you have already filled it up.
However no clear G.O. is available (at least to me) as there was no scope for enhancement of qualification before the problem of PTT/D.el.Ed and you may get only hint that h.s. should be done from RMV or NIOS.
Again I think you do not have anything to worry. First you apply and let the authority find your degree invalid then the door of the court is open and there is no G.O. which bar a teacher from obtaining degree from open school if he does not hamper his work or does not claim any facility(study leave, increment etc) for that.
Thank you.
(and please consider me as your friend not a sir.I also teacher like you who also need help from friends like you in many respects).
permission for upgradition of qualification in service
I was very worried about the permission.
I completed HS from RMV without hampering my teacher-ship and without permission from chairman of DPSC, now I told you a original story about the permission, at first I told the S.I. of school she told me permission is must to take from chairman so it is not legal. Then I came to chairman and told her detailing the HS then she advice me it is dispute case, at last I came to the president of paschim banga prathamik siksha parsad, and asked him about the permission; he can not clarify me, advice me to go NCTE bhubaneswar, Orissa to got clarify. under this circumstance you may feel me my condition. so please help what should be done to next step? I am very glad for your big co-operation. even I emailed to the NCTE of BHUBANESWAR but alas I did not get answer.
Re: Permission for Upgradation of Qualification for in-servi
@anirban: I am really sorry for being late to reply. You have already moved much way but did you approached the authority verbally or in writing. I guess this was verbally. Then I suggest you to apply to the Chairman of the DPSC through proper channel for post-facto permission for your course and mention it clearly that -i) you did not know about the procedure.
ii) you did not hamper your school.
see what the reply comes. If it is negative apply to the secretary of WBBPE.
At the same time you make an RTI to the NCTE or the WBBPE.
To my best of assumption NCTE will have no objection about your HS because they want minimum qualification but whether that has been obtained with permission or not is neither their concern nor their jurisdiction.
Now let us see why prior permission is so much important. It is mainly because to claim higher scale (which does not apply for primary teachers at this moment) due to control of expenditure policy of the govt.
and secondly to obey the service rule/ethics. As you have already informed the authority concerned and they have not found any fault with your act, you may be sure the second part also does not apply for you. However, you may have to go to court of law if your application is turned down or you are deprived of any facilities for your HS degree. You did not mention about your D.El.Ed or bridge course…
Upgradation of qualification
Dear sir b roy .I am very glad and now I am free from tension for your precious suggestion. I am a candidate of two years D El Ed. I listen that those who have no HS or have below 50% mark are not eligible for this course,so I am very worried for my HS because it is not approved by the chairman..In this condition you help me to provide lot of information,so I shall ever gratefull to you and many many thanks for your greatest co-operation.
আমি ২০০৬তে প্রাইমারি স্কুলে join করি। ২০০৭ আমার graduation complete হয়েছে। without permission আমি
graduation complete করেছি। H.S আমার ৫০%নম্বর নেই। আমি graduation show করে ODL mode D.El.Ed complete করেছি। আমার চাকরির কোনো problem হবে কি,?
No. You will have no problem. Hope you have attended your classes and exam on leave(C.L.) You joined graduation course prior to your joining (So no question of permission) however you could have place an intimation to the concerned DPSC through proper channel about your course.
Many many thanks for your co-operation.