In Birbhum District primary teacher transfer bondho aachhe keno? kobe theke chalu hobe?
@sun:You are welcome brother. We expect your active participation to enrich this forum.I like to inform you that this is not a correct procedure to submit your query. please follow the posting guidelines before posting. Please don’t be hurt by my words. We are always with you.
welcome friend. will you please elaborate your query further, so that we can discuss properly.
Thank you Jay for your kind cooperation.I am a primary teacher in Birbhum District working 62 km away from home and want transfer in my home circle for my 92yrs old father. when it will be started in this District?
A great problem has been raised near some young teachers and also madams who are working under Bankura District Primary School Council. Most of them have been transferred very recent in there home Circle or adjoining area of home circle by the order of concerned authority from 80, 100 km or more distance. Now some of them have taken another transfer order by the concerned authority. The authority ordered them to go another circle even above 100 km distance. School Edn. Deptt. Govt. of W.B. released an order vide No. 484-SE-(EE)/10M-137/2012 Dated. 30.08.2012 for reshuffling of teachers from less PTR (25:1) to high PTR (above 40:1).
But this council issued some Transfer order with out taking any option from the concern Teachers. Honorable Chairperson issued an another order which is not similar the above noted G.O.
Posted here the same . Please consider and post your suggestion for those ill fated teachers. With regards.
In the document it is said that some list is attached with that order can you please provide the list?
@ Asit Baran Pal: I have heard some teachers have moved to court. Is this news right? I think this is the only solution. no doubt a teacher has to follow govt order but …
i heard some school in some circle where excess teachers are there at some schools where some schools are run by single teacher in the same circle in Bankura district.
However there should have been a roster and counselling process for transfer. And the spirit of the primary teacher transfer rule is for the teachers but alas!!!
A,B,C are working in a school. A=H.T. B & C A.T. C is junior(2003) . Now another Asstt. teacher D (2002) has joined very recent . As per Rules now the existing teacher “C”is Surplus. It is fact friend. Take care.
Manoniyo bondhugon,
Aamar mote ei somosya theke mukti r upay holo bichar byabsthar upor aastha rekhe nayaloyer dorjar koda nara. Sathe sathe bhodro bhabe aapnader nijer nijer shikshok songyhon gulir neta der ebong tader dalal der golay jutor mala poriye – mathay ghol dhele – gadhar pithe ulto kore boshiye deoya. Hya bondhugon eta i aamar kachhe bhodro bhabe kore. Aapnara jodi mone koren er theke chorom tomo kichhu kora sombhob tobe aapnader motamot janan