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Cosa form: data input sheet for cosa: Employee Details-
(Pt.16): Pay Band Pay … whether it will be current pay or the pay at the time of last option?
(Pt.33): Is it applicable for those teachers who were appointed to a previous school before joining his/her present school?
(Pt: 46) : Spouse pay- total basic or basic excluding Grade pay ?
there are some question regarding filling the ‘Teacher/Staff information system’ sheet also, they are…
(pt.25): Date of joining at the present post : suppose a teacher joined the service on 29/03/2006 in one school and further he joined in the same post (A.T) in another school on 11/08/2010, which will be the date in question, 29/3 or 11/08?
(Pt.34): What will be the date of possessing professional qualification(deputed from service), last date of exam or the next date of the last date of exam ?
Please get me the solution, as soon as possible.
16. Pay band pay of Sep-2012
33. N/A
46. Basic pay including Grade pay along with HRA as on Sep-2012
25. 29/03/2006 (Date of joining of service and present post will differ in case of AT to AHM or HM, AHM to HM etc.)
34. Last date of examination.
Points 40 & 41 in COSA:
What are the approval no. & date of an AT who once joined one school in the past and was subsequently appointed in another school through SSC?
If there is service continuation then first approval dt. & no. otherwise last one.
For column :-
16) Pay Band Pay = Present B.P.- Grade Pay
Points 40 & 41 in COSA: Will be at new school.
25) 11/08/10.
@torkona & @mihiracharya
From the views expressed by the hon’ble members on point nos. 40 & 41 of COSA I am now confused. Anyway, if there is no change of designation for change of schools through subsequent appointment, previous post held in old school will be same as the present post held in new school. For example: AT(H/PG) in previous school to AT(H/PG) in present school. Moreover, FRESH APPROVAL of DI is essential for subsequent appointment to the PRESENT POST in PRESENT SCHOOL. So, in this light I understand that though there is no change of post yet the term ‘present post’ refers to the post held at this point of time in PRESENT SCHOOL which PRESENTLY PAYS to the teacher, and date of approval of present post refers to the PRESENT APPOINTMENT in PRESENT POST in PRESENT SCHOOL.