Most of the primary teachers now faced a great problems regarding their income tax payment under the bankura dristrict primary school council.
As per direction of our hon’ble D.P.S.C. Bankura a large number of our teachers under 12 (twelve) Circles has been deducted their Income Tax for the financial year 2009- 2010 i.e A. Y.- 2010-2011 from their Salary bill for the month of February-2010 (T D S ) and also submitted their I. Tax Return within the due date.
Unfortunately our D.P.S.C has not paid to the credit of the Central Government within that financial year i.e 31.03.2010. But it has been deposited after the due date by the D.P.S.C. Bankura. Its deposited to S B I Bankura branch through prescribed challan , T A N No. CALO 3990A vide cheque No. 063982 dated 18.08.2010. amounting Rs. 14,02,661/- ( Fourteen lakh Tow thousand Six hundred Sixty one Only).
As a result ,Income Tax Department noticed to those teachers to pay their due Income Tax with intt. within one month or may move an application U/S-154 I T Act.
Those teachers are not guilty but they are frightened now.
Sorry for the late reply. Actually I found this topic unanswered in the education segment As I think it should fit in the Grievances portal, I moved it from there.
deducted their Income Tax for the financial year 2009- 2010 i.e A. Y.- 2010-2011 from their Salary bill for the month of February-2010 (T D S )
There is a provision of issuing certificate(Form 16) by the Tax deductor. I hope all of them received that certificate from D.P.S.C. Bankura. If not then should endeavour for that. Actually it is the main weapon of the incumbent/Tax payers.
Unfortunately our D.P.S.C has not paid to the credit of the Central Government within that financial year i.e 31.03.2010.
It is clear that the fault is not from the part of the Teachers but you need sufficient document to prove that. The form 16 is the only document to proof the payment of I.Tax in due time by the incumbent.
As a result ,Income Tax Department noticed to those teachers to pay their due Income Tax with intt. within one month or may move an application U/S-154 I T Act.
As the amounts were not deposited to the credit of the Central Government within that financial year, the return submitted by the Teachers were not accepted and the I.Tax dept. rightly sent those notice.
Conclusion:- If you have obtained Form 16 you may relax, just inform the matter to the I.Tax department enclosing a copy of the Form 16 and send a copy of the same to the D.P.S.C.
If you have not yet obtained Form 16, then its really a matter of headache. Better try to obtain the same as early as possible and do the rest as above.