Home › Forums › Health Scheme › Procedure for Preparation of Bills of WBHS, 2008
Hi friends.
I never claimed or prepared any bill of West Bengal Health scheme, 2008.
It will be immense help if anybody disclose the step by step procedures for preparation of such bill with some sample sanction orders.
To prepare Health Scheme 08 bill the incumbent has to submit Form C, D1 or D2 or D3 (which is relevant) and Form E. For retired persons the forms will be Form III, IV1, IV2 and IV3 (which is relevant) and Form V
The forms must be signed and filled up properly. Along with the forms the original bills and cash memo should also submitted. The discharge certificate and photocopy of the WBHS 08 identity card of the employee and beneficiary is also needed.
Sample sanction order will be uploaded here. Sorry, the order is not in my hand at present, but I can give it. after 2/3 days.
Thanks Mrinal da. Please tell which form need for which purpose. I would also like to know the steps should be followed by an incumbent from visiting a doctor to getting release. Be waiting for your reply.
Government of West Bengal
Office Head
NOW, THEREFORE after careful consideration of the matter sanction of ` 12,900/- (Rupees Twelve Thousand Nine Hundred) only is hereby accorded to Shri
The undersigned will receive the sanctioned amount in this order from Treasury – I Place & disburse the same to Shri
The charge is debitable to the Head of account “bla bla bla” under demand no. 28, Departmental Code No.: HO during the financial year 2012-2013.
All concerned are being informed accordingly.
Memo No. : Dated :
Copy for information to:
1. The Accountant General, (A & E), West Bengal
2. The Director, abcd
3. Finance (Audit) Department, Medical Cell, Writers’ Building (Ground Floor), Kolkata – 1
4. The Treasury Officer, Treasury – I, Place
5. The Assistant Director, Commercial Accounts
6. Service Book Section of this office
7. Bill Section of this office
8. Personal File of the incumbent
9. Sri
Detail procedure will be given shortly
Incumbent Side :
1) Give information about your treatment to the office in written.
2) Get treatment from the HCOs.
3) Fill up Form C, Form E and Form D1, D2 or D3 ( as per HCO status and treatment type: Indoor, Outdoor / OPD, or non-enlisted HCO).
4) Get proper attestation in Form D1, D2 or D3 from the concerned HCO.
5) Get photo copy of WBHS 08 Identity Card and the information letter you have submitted.
6) Submit all the forms mentioned above with the photo copy of I card and information letter and the bills / cashmemo in duplicate.
Complete the process within 3 months of the treatement.
Office Side :
1) Get information letter from the incombent.
2) Get all the forms and documents stated above.
3) Check whether Form D1/D2/D3 is properly filled up and attestation or not.
4) Check the claimed amount with the allowed rate chart.
5) Get the sanctioned order from the concerned DDO.
6) Prepare the bill in TR 68.
7) Recheck all the documents and submit the bill to proper table.
Be aware about the sanctioned capacity limit of the authority.
Please note : for Indoor patient DISCHARGE CERTIFICATE is essential.
Re: Procedure for submitting Medical Advance of WBHS, 2008
My father was hospitalised for orthopedic operation. i had applied for Medical Advance within 3 days of hospitalization. Unfortunately when i finally received the sanction letter/order for Medical Advance my father was back home. As i am posted in the district i applied for the advance to the Treasury Office for the advance. the T.O. asked me again to submit the FOrm E, Father’s Income certificate and Dr’s prescription.
As far as my knowledge goes for advance no other document is reqd. My father used to work in a private company where there is no pension. who ill give the income certificate?
Can u pl. enlighten me regarding the same .
You have definitely included your father as your dependent and thereby he is entitled to get the benefit of WBHS. You have to submit the photocopy of “package” by the hospital, photocopy of your identity card along with father’s id card and an application for advance. Nothing else. As your father is an employee of a private concern, it is irrelevant for the purpose of WBHS enrollment or sanction of advance or final bill. Your father’s income will be stated in Your Form B (enrollment certificate)as NIL.