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I am a WB Govt employee with a pay band – 4 ( Rs 9000-40500 , Grade pay is 4400) and my current basic is Rs 21420/- . CAS 8 years and 16 years benefits were given to me. ON 01.09.2012 I got promoted with same grade pay ie Rs 4400/-. what will be my new basic pay ? Am i eligible for 25 years benefit as my promotion does not change grade pay ? Pl answer my queries.
Pranit Chakraborty
Dear Mr. Chakraborty,
Para (v) and (vi) of the relevant G.O. No. 3015-F, dated 13th March, 2001 states that –
v) When a Govt. employee has got benefit of only one promotion or advancement to a scale similar to or above the third higher scale before twenty five years of service will not get any further advancement under the scheme except fixation benefit u/r. 42 (1) of WBSR. Pt.I on completion of 25 years of service. If the promotion or advancement to higher scale mentioned in this clause takes place before 16 years of service, he will get two fixation benefits the first on completion of 16 years and the second on completion of 25 years total service.
vi) A Govt. employee who has got more than one normal promotion to posts the last of which is borne in the second higher scale within sixteen years’ of service will not get any fixation benefit on completion of sixteen years of service. He will have to complete total service of twenty five years before he gets advancement to the third higher scale with reference to the lower feeder post.
As you see, it will therefore require some more information to answer specifically.
Dear P. Chakraborty and A. Ray,
My opinion goes like this:
Since he has already moved to GP 4400 in PB-4 (corresponding to the pre-revised scale no. 12) on non-functional basis after 16 years of service under CAS, he is not entitled to get further fixational benefit on his normal promotion to the post carrying GP 4400, if increment @3% has already been allowed to him at the time of fixation incurred on non-functional upgradation. However, he may be eligible to get 3rd CAS benefit on completion of 25 years of service provided there is no further promotion in between.
In this context clarifications furnished in the Govt. of WB, Finance Dept., Audit Br., Memos may be taken into considerations.
WB FD Memo no. 9795-F dated 19.10.2001 clarifies as follows:
Point of doubt:
(2) An employee holding scale no. 1 to 12 after getting after getting first and second higher scale under CAS 1990 or CAS 2001, as the case may be, on completion of 10years/20 years or 8 years/16 years of service gets promotion to a post the scale of pay of which is same as that of second higher scale. The question is whether the said employee is entitled to get third higher scale on completion of 25 years of service.
The reply is affirmative.
WB FD Memo no. 2728-F dated the 7th April,2009 clarifies as follows:
Point of doubt:
(1)As per provisions of Rule 11 of the WBS (ROPA) Rules 2009 in case of fixation of pay on promotion or non-functional movement to higher scale on or after the 1st January,2006 a Govt. employee is entitled to get one increment equal to 3% of the pay in existing pay band and grade pay.
Under the existing norms when the Govt. employee is entitled to get the benefit of MCA under Finance Department’s Memo No. 3015-F dated 13.03.2001, in the same scale of pay, he is entitled to get two increments in that scale of pay on the date of entitlement of such benefit. Whether such employee may be allowed to existing benefits of two increments when they have opted to come under the revised pay structures of WBS (ROPA) Rules,2009.
When a Govt. Employee has opted to come under the revised pay structure on or after 1st January,2006, his promotion to higher scale/post, non-functional movement to higher scale or any non-functional benefit under Finance Department’s Memo No. 3015-F dated 13.03.2001, on any date on or after 1st January,2006, will be regulated as per Rule 11 and ‘Notes” laid down below the said Rule of WBS (ROPA) Rules,2009. No further benefit will be available.
With regards,