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I am a Muslim Girl. There were some properties in the name of my mother before her marriage. My mother died 14 years ago. Properties were under the custody of my grandfather (mother’s father). He also died 10 years ago. All the properties now under the custody of my uncles (mother’s brother). My question is shall inherit any property. Please somebody help me urgently.
Hi Keka. It is clear that the properties are immovable and before answering you I would like to know the followings. 1. How many siblings did you and your mother had at the time of her death? 2. At present the property belongs to whose name (As per deed and porcha). 3. How did your mom became owner of that property? Additional informations if any would be helpful for me.
I am married and I have one sister (unmarried).
My uncles (mother’s brother) are 3. And 1 untie (mother’s sister), married.
My grandfather (mother’s father) bought few Bighas of land in the name of my mother. Then she was unmarried.
My mother had married against her family’s wish and the family never accepted us.
My mother died 14 yrs ago. Then Grandfather died 10 years ago. Those lands are still in my mother’s name (both in deed and porcha).
We are muslim. So, muslim rules may also to be considered, if any. I heard also, that we (myself & my sister) are “NAMUHARRUM” (BEWAARISH), but I don’t actually know what it is.
To help you I made some discussions with some Judicial Officers and Lawyers and thereafter I am to say you that being a legal heir you are entitled to have some part of that property. As per Mahammadan Law the entire property should be partitioned between the heirs of the deceased and therefore it will be shared between you and your uncle, aunt and sister . You should file a Title Suit in a civil Court having jurisdiction to that property claiming for declaration, permanent injunction, partition of the property by appointing a survey commissioner and eviction of the defendant. If you can proof your case by sufficient documents and witness, the Court will deliver judgement in your favour but it will take a lot of time. You will have no other way but to wait for the Court’s order friend. It will be pertinent to file the case jointly with your sister and if possible your aunt as Plaintiffs. I shall try to tell you later what should be your share of the entire property. Till then take care friend.
At last, I got a sound reply from someone who has spent his valuable time for me. I am very happy now to hear the reply. Thank you som and wbxpress team. You people really doing a great job. This is not a virtual community; rather it became a real one. I am very happy with the reply. This is, I think, a complete guideline for me to take action from now. Now I would like to share the following information and seek necessary guidelines:
We have a relative working at BL&LRO Office. He was verifying porcha and found my mother’s name in it. He contacted and told me the fact. He suggested us to apply so that our name may appear at porcha. Then he took 6 months time to recheck the facts and let us know. He is also a friend of my uncle. I do not know what will be the next move. But I hope I shall get proper guidance from here.
We have not made any application yet.
Glad to help you friend Keep it in mind that before making any application you should obtain all the relevant documents and sufficient witness and thereafter consult with a lawyer who is somehow expert to deal with the Civil Suits. Best of luck.
3 months lapsed. still no news. this is how the govt. offices work.
What steps have you taken and for which are you waiting now?
Can you disclose the details of the property like Mouza, PS, BLLRO jurisdiction etc.?