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At first I want to discus about the qualification of the members of the Managing Committee. Most of the members of most of the M.C have not passed the 10 th level of education. But for the development works of the schools, even promotion, selection of books etc. depends on M.C. In a guardian meeting, they are most interested to take the accounts of the school. They don’t want to know / not show their interest about the improvement of their students.
If the members are below 10th standerd then how can it possible to smooth sailing of a school ? Any amendment may come earliest from WBBSE ?
I want participation on this topics from the members, mainly from school teachers including H.M.s.
Thank you.
Dear Mihir,
Thanks for new discussions regarding qualification of the members of MC.
I think you are telling about the Guardian Members of it.
I feel, the basic aim to keep the provision of participation of Guardian Members in a Managing Committee of a school is to maintain the atmosphere of education in a school and to enhance and develop it everyday. Besides, it will bridge the administration of the school with the local inhabitants and keep a touch with them. They will reproduce the complaints and/or grievances of guardians to the HM or other members of the MC and thereby settle those. They may take active roles in the development works also. In short they will be the tone of the locality and the tune of the administration.
So, the basic qualification of a Member of MC is his interest to school education and environment.
This is why, once there was a provision in the school code to keep representation of one person of the locality specially interested in Education.
Thereafter this was removed.
And now, representation is done through Voting system, i.e. election.
And like many other elections in different sectors of our social or political systems, there left little scope to justify their educational qualification.
And what is only needed now is their political back ground, irrespective of their education, age, interest of education or environment etc. etc.
Who among the teachers and staff including the HM would dare ask for their certificates or so ?!
Somewhere it seems that ‘They are not ours’ but of the
But, yet, there are exceptions too and those must be appreciated.
Now, if we are to consider the yardstick of their educational qualification, what would be the minimum of it ?
10th or 12th or Graduation ?
What would be the percentage of marks in each step ?
Minimum ‘pass’ ?
Would you, then, recommend for a GAT (Guardian’s Aptitude Test) like TET of SSC ?
Would you, then, ask for application panchayat -wise to sit for the qualifying exam and to take part as a candidate in the election of Guardian Member for the MC of a local Jr./High/HS school ?
Would you form panchayat-wise committees to conduct such exams ?
Would you, lastly, recommend for an honorarium during or after the unbroken qualifying period of service ( three years ) ?
Good recommendations, but worst weather to move afar.
Nay, I think, you are of opinion to take only one step
10th standard pass.
OK. Let us see what light falls on our eyes from others.
Have a good time.
It is no doubt a time-worthy issue. My question – is it mandatory for representation of local fellows in M.C. if they are not somehow related to the school? A person who, on individual capacity or on behalf of a trustee board, has donated the land and/or contributed for construction of school building may be a member because of his contribution to promote education in the locality. A local Municipal Councillor/ Panchayat Member may be a Member of the Committee if elected for the purpose because he is a Public Servant and has accountability to look after the day-to-day activities of schools which are under public money. In the current system, it is not feasible to measure their capability in terms of qualification. As far as educational qualification is concerned, it’s unfortunate that illiterate/half-educated/ill-educated fellows are sometimes found to dominate in M.C. and control the teachers. It’s nothing new. Same is true for political leaders in the Local Bodies, Assembly, Parliament etc.. There are many Ministers who have hardly crossed secondary level but, take vital role in policy formulation & implementation of the country/state and, control the bureaucrats / administrative machineries in public interest! However, as regards the participation in M.C., situation becomes worse when the sanctity of the goal is vitiated by naked arrogance of some illiterate/half-educated/ill-educated members in the name of ‘decision’, ‘action’ or ‘steps’ taken for ‘welfare’ or ‘well-being’ of students/schools!
Now, if we are to consider the yardstick of their educational qualification, what would be the minimum of it ?
10th or 12th or Graduation ?
What would be the percentage of marks in each step ?
Minimum ‘pass’ ?
Would you, then, recommend for a GAT (Guardian’s Aptitude Test) like TET of SSC ?
Would you, then, ask for application panchayat -wise to sit for the qualifying exam and to take part as a candidate in the election of Guardian Member for the MC of a local Jr./High/HS school ?
Would you form panchayat-wise committees to conduct such exams ?
Would you, lastly, recommend for an honorarium during or after the unbroken qualifying period of service ( three years ) ?
Good recommendations, but worst weather to move afar.
Nay, I think, you are of opinion to take only one step
10th standard pass.
**** Dear Bhaskar,
I do’nt want to think/say like this. I want to say that a little learning always be/do a dangerous thing.
Thank you for this co-operation.
Dear Mihir,
Sorry that I failed to clear my views.
The primary qualification of a member of the Managing committee is his interest in the school and the educational environment.
To this point, an illiterate member may be very much helpful while a graduate member may be severely harmful.
So, illiteracy may not be a bar to his qualification while literacy may not count any credit to the later.
This does not mean that I pledge for illiteracy.
I am fully of opinion that the members of the MC should posses a minimum educational qualification.
But this only will not suffice.
The question whether or not they nurture an inborn interest for the school, students and atmosphere is of great importance.
Only a few days ago, a similar question arose in the case of TEACHERS.
Govt felt that mere educational qualification is not sufficient for a candidate to be called a teacher.
He/she should posses some other qualities also to be called the same.
And he introduced TET before SSC-main.
Similarly Guardians may have to face a similar test GET(Guardians Eligibility Test) before contesting the Election.
Syllabus may include Health and Hygiene, Social awareness, Administrative awareness and outlook, Development Works, simplest reading/writing skill, basic calculations etc.etc.
A separate Board may be formed with the following members :
a) Pradhan of local panchayat as President.
b) HMs of all the High Schools as members
c) One Social Worker of a reputed NGO in or outside the panchayat
d) One Govt nominee ( from BDO).
Test may include both writing and interview.
A single panel of not less than 40-50 candidates may be prepared for all the schools in the panchayat.
Candidates included in the list will only be eligible to contest in the Election of Guardian Category.
Once upon a time, Teachers were recommended by any of the existing teachers or any influential person in the locality and they are called to join the post.
Then came interview system.
Then SSC came.
And lastly the TET.
And we have made ourselves familiar with all these.
Now, if a teacher with bags of certificates is tested so many times, why not the introduction of a ‘similar something’ be tested for the Members of MC ?
Any opinion to rectify or broaden my view is heartily welcome.
Dear all, qualification in certificate hardly matters. How one acts is his/her qualification. But unfortunately in our systems Politics is the only source of power and power corrupts. Minimum educational qualification or a GET does not ensure the QUALITY. If voting by the guardians was a-political and based on personal capabilities I don’t think a person with lower qualification or with bad attitude would manage a seat in M.C.
And how many mothers are there in the m.c. at present?
There are the following categories of members in a Managing Committee :
a) 1 HM
b) 3 Assistant Teachers
c) 1 Non Teaching
d) 6 Guardian Members
e) 1 Panchayat Samity Nominee
f) 1 Departmental Nominee
g) 1 Life Member, if any
According to my opinion the expected qualifications are as follow-
Secretary, President and Vice-president: H.S
Rest guardian representative: M.P
This is a very interesting discussion. But formation of our opinion should be based on any government order or any other rule applicable for the candidature of the members of the managing committee. The Right to Education Act is a new law so deriving any benefit of the said law will be new. What was the rule earlier which govern the managing committee is formed earlier before the passing of this law and what was their legal status?