Friends there is news at various news papers(One of them is at this linkhttp://www.anandabazar.com/archive/1120628/28raj4.html) on transfer of primary teachers on 27/06/2012 by the Division Bench( of Hon’ble Justice Pranab Chatopadhay and Hon’ble Justice tarun Das). Can you please provide me the order or a detailed summery of that?
Friends, if you ever need to request for copy oforder/judgement from Calcutta High Court you may post your request in this topic instead of creating new Topic.
Here is the order I’v found and I don’t know whether it is complete or not. I’m posting the link for the order here to get your opinion as well as for friends, who may be in need of this. At the same time I request the administrator again to make a segment for court orders related to employees and department. Many order are passed but does not reach the employee.
N.B. I tried to upload the file but it didn’t work may be because its extention name is ‘aspx’. It is neither opening in my machine. can you help me in this regard too?
I fully agree with Mr.Roy. Govt.employees have limited income and if some one amongst them gets entangled in departmental hassles,it becomes very painful for him to run after the lawyers who leave no stone unturned to sqeeze him.The situation is always grim and mentally disturbing for such employees.In fact in such a situation they die every day in small instalments. Such situation is enjoyed by the pervert superiors and colleagues. In order to arm them with basics of service laws and the ways to protect them it is better if the moderator of this site thinks to create a sector of Courts Judgements which may help the person in distress as well as others too who extend their helping hands to rescue their colleagues. After all each of us irrespective of the ranks and position in Government is a human being and fighting a tough battle for his survival.
Here is one website address (i.e. – http://www.indiankanoon.org/)where one can find the court judgement according to his requirement.
Here is the order I’v found and I don’t know whether it is complete or not. I’m posting the link for the order here to get your opinion as well as for friends, who may be in need of this. At the same time I request the administrator again to make a segment for court orders related to employees and department. Many order are passed but does not reach the employee.
N.B. I tried to upload the file but it didn’t work may be because its extention name is ‘aspx’. It is neither opening in my machine. can you help me in this regard too?
May be U r looking for this judgment.