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Need your help for how to proceed under RTI Act-2005.
An application was submitted 1&1/2 yrs ago to the D.I./S S.E. but till no reply. Pls, advice in details.
Applications under RTI Act 2005 are barred by the limitations. In an application under section 6 of the RTI Act 30 days is the limit of getting the information. If it is forwarded to the concerned department by the Department with which the matter is not concerned but you had submitted your application then the limit becomes 35 days as additional five days are even for forwarding the application to the actual Department. If you do not get the reply within those 35 days you can file an appeal under section 19 clause 1 of the RTI act 2005 within another 45 days (which is known as first appeal) with the appellate authority of the same Department. Even if your first appeal is not entertained within 30 days you can submit a complaint under section 18, a further appeal under section 19 clause 3 praying for ordering for providing the information and for penalty or departmental proceeding et cetera under section 20 of the RTI act to the Chief information Commissioner within 90 days from the date of the expiry of the period of first appeal . In your case the limitations have been exhausted. Now you have to file either a fresh petition under section 6 of the RTI act or you can also file a petition under section 6 of the RTI act addressed to the state public information officer of the Department where you had submitted your application 1 1/2 year back asking about the fate of the said application as well as with whom it was lying and what steps had been taken on day to day basis. I believe this will be an easier process to revive that old application. It will also make your case strong. Another step can be taken by you by filing a complaint against the SPIO of the same Department with the Public Authority of the Department. You can also do one more thing i.e sending an advocate’s letter to the SPIO and the public authority of that particular Department with intimation that the matter will be taken before the Honourable High Court Calcutta under Article 226 of the Constitution of India making the SPIO and Public Authority of the said Department a party to compel them to provide the information. However, many few people know that an information seeker obtains the status of a consumer by affixing a fee of Rs. 10 for getting the information. You can visit the website rti.org and can get the detail information.
Hi adil85,
many many thanks for providing the data.
Know the guidelines for seeking information under RTI Act, 2005
If I need to get any information from NCTE through RTI what will be the procedure? I mean
1. To whom the application be addressed?
2. How and how much the fees should be paid?
* is there any difference between state govt and central govt. organisation regarding the application procedure of RTI?
Expecting a quick reply…
with regards,
Dear Members of this community,
I am uploaded the files in connection with the Right to Information – if those files helps your purpose, I will be very much thankful to you all.
Tanmoy Bandyopadhyay
Courtesy Government of West Bengal & Government of India Websites
@Mr Roy,
Please visit the website: – . Which contains the following: –
Information under the Right To Information Act, 2005
1. Right to information and Obligations of public authorities
2. Introduction
3. Particulars of Organization, Functions And Duties
4. Powers And Duties of Officers And Employees
5. Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual And Records For Discharging Functions
6. Arrangement That Exists For Consultation With, or Representation By, The Members of The Public In Relation To The Formulation of Its Policy or Implementation Thereof
7. A Statement of The Categories of Documents That Are Held By It or Under Its Control
8. A Statement of Boards, Council, Committees And Other Bodies Constituted As Its Part
9. The Names, Designations And Other Particulars of The Public Information Officers
10. Procedure Followed In Decision Making Process
11. Directory of Officers And Employee
12. The Monthly Remuneration Received By Each of Its Officers and Employees
13. The Budget Allocated To Each Agency (Particulars of All Plans, Proposed Expenditures and Report on Disbursement Made)
14. The Manner of Execution of Subsidy Programmes
15. Particulars of Recipients of Concessions, Permits or Authorization Granted By It
16. Norms Set By It For The Discharge of Its Functions
17. Information Available In An Electronic Form
18. Particulars of The Facilities Available To Citizens For Obtaining Information
20. Other Useful Information
Hope this will solve your purposes.
Thanking you
Tanmoy Bandyopadhyay
Dear Mr. Roy,
Pls see my communication on RTI Act once again and download all the documents.
The manner of seeking information from any organisation, mode of payment of fees etc. are described in details in the RTI guide. You will get answers there, prticularly in Part-III which provides guidance to information seekers.
It is always adviceable to get the details about the addressee of application i.e. PIO, SPIO etc. in respect of a office/deptt./organisation from its official website.
The information seekers have to pay Rs 10/- in cash or by Banker’s cheque, D.D., Postal Order and Court Fee, if applicable, along with the application at the initial stage. The PIO of the concerned office/deptt. may ask to pay additional fees, if necessary, depending upon the cost of supply of information.
General procedure for submission of application is same as the RTI Act was originally introduced by the Centre. State govts. make some rules under special provisions of the Act. Some minor differences may be there in the manner of application. For the State of WB see the following link: “www.wbic.gov.in”
For NCTE see the link “www.ncte-india.org”
Thanks donyi_polo and 10moy for your post.
Whether information of a retired employee can be obtained from his/her previous office under RTI Act?