Dear friends !
I had a sim card of vodafone. Onday I found that my sim card becomes registration failed. Then I contacted to customer care executive. They inform me the sim card became reject. So I bought a new one. After a few days casually I called that number but what strange it was ringing & accept my call. Then I wanted to know what was the matter. The other said he has bought the sim card yesterday by depositting all documents. Then I told him the actual event, but he could not beliefe me. So I was very disappointed because the no. is very personal. This incedent is held in less than one month.
Very very unusual event. If you have enough evidence to the prove the incident talk to the customer care of vodafone. If they do not solve your problem you may contact consumer welfare department. No service provider can do this.
No, it is not unusual. There are some certain terms and conditions fixed by many companies for getting validity of the sim eg. the sim card should be used at least once in a certain period for out going call, the Sim card should be recharged at least once in a certain period.
There may be more terms and conditions and if we dont fulfill them, the company may de-register the sim card at any time.
After that they use the card number while preparing new sim card.
As such, consumer welfare department cant help you in this regard, if you have not followed the terms and conditions.
I see. But it is also not unusual. The company may use the number while production of new sim card at any time after de-registration. Anyway, I may be wrong as I am also not an expert like you regarding telecom.
There is an organised racket in issuing the sim cards. Sometimes it happens due to the technical problems that the sim card registration is shown as failed. In such cases, if you shut down the telephone and restart it, the problem goes. However, in your case, what I believe you have been cheated by unfair trade practice by the service provider. In the cases where the mobile phone cards are issued by an agent against prepaid connections, he in fact, uses your identity for issuing several prepaid sim cards to different persons who do not have their own identity card or misuse the telephone for the purpose of committing crime. This is rampant everywhere and this is known as identity theft. This is also a punishable offence as the person whom you have given your photographs and other details before getting the connection misuses the same by committing criminal breach of trust. You are requested to get the matter enquired by filing a complaint with the service provider for his unfair trade practice because in such case when your Sim card had been destroyed or became defective, you should have been given the same number by the person from whom you purchased the second one. This offence also falls within the ambit of Consumer Protection Act 1985 and if you file a case with the local police station or a complaint with the consumer forum of your place against the service provider as well as the agent through whom you had purchased the telephone, you will surely get Justice along with the compensation. Moreover, a complaint at the local police station is a must from your end to save yourself from legal complications in future.
@adil85: I had given my documents along with photographs to an agent for Credit Card (SBI). Credit company rejected my application stating that their internal policy did not permit to issue a Credit Card to myself. I don’t even know the contact no. of the agent. I am worried about the ‘identity theft’ matter.
Keep the entire matter reported at the local police station with a copy of the same to the bank. In fact tele calls for Credit cards are made by the call centers engaged by the banks and not by the bank. Hired agents represent the bank who are not actually the bank staff. They get commission against the customers. In your case if the bank has refused you in writing then please claim back your photographs and other details in writing. If the bank has not given you the written information then make a report at the local police station in writing in detail with a receipt under the seal of the police station so that in future you remain protected.
Dear Mr. Som, in the instant case it is seen that the number was reallotted to some one in quite a haste.Moreover, until I surrender the number the company can not allot it to another person. If I have dues then that is the other process.I am sure that the sim card was issued against a pre paid account. The consumer should have blocked it before getting a new number. If the Sim was damaged he was entitled to get another sim card with the same number. In pre paid cards there is no scope of verification of the identity if it is issued once. The consumer should block the earlier SIM and that would expose the whole process.Let him ask from the new allottee that from where he had taken his number and through which agent? If he lodges complaint in police station that his SIM is being used by some other unknown person he would come to know the fact. By the way where from (town) the SIM was issued? There is a cyber crime cell in Kolkata Police and in West Bengal CID. He can approach them if he expects any foul play.
Is there any process through which one can know how many no. are active against one’s identity? I’ve heard that agents/retailers uses one’s documents to issue other’s sim cards without any intimation.
Dear Mr.Roy, I am afraid it is probably not possible until the telephone SIM is kept under watch to find out the numbers of IMEI against which the phone is being used. It can only be done by the security agencies and/or the service providers.