An assistant teacher (female) of a high madrasah (H.S) seeks no objection certificate as well as study leaves for pursuing her PhD. She is in Hons/PG post with B. Ed. The TIC told her that here is no option for such, but she is still in her opinion that you (TIC) can do that. (keep it mind that the teacher is in additional post and her post is not confirmed till now and she took 14 medical leaves in her first year of service for perusing M.Phil, the leaves are not granted by the MC, she has not taken any prior permission & NOC for that MPhil).
Now my question is that what the TIC can do?
What the incumbent will do?
Please discuss on it urgently.
As far I know the TIC can not give her any study leave in this purpose. She can inform the school, but there is no option to grant any study leave for Ph.D. You may consult with D.I.
“keep it mind that the teacher is in additional post and her post is not confirmed till now and she took 14 medical leaves in her first & half year of service for perusing M.Phil”…………… this case is there any problem if MC grant these 14 days leave as “medical leave without pay” as per GO NO 2327/04/G dated 11.06.04. please discuss on it urgently.
In no case a teacher of any govt./ aided school can get any study leave for pursuing his/her Ph.D. degree. As per present circular for pursuing Ph. D. degree, one must go through the course work of 4/6 months, for which also a teacher won’t get any leave. He/She has to do it by taking his/her own leave either casual or commuted. A person can also pursue the same by taking without pay leave for the required period as per rules.
I also agree with the same opinion.
Thanks Sajida & Krish for your valuable comments.
My Question is that what the TIC will do in such circumstances?
TIC can go to the D.I. with the teacher and meet with the D.I. Then her curiosity can be removed. Is she qualified NET or SET? Then she also go to any university, there she can also ask about the rules.
She is not NET qualified. Now she tries to make pressure with the help of some antisocial persons. lets see whats happen????
……Is she qualified NET or SET? Then she also go to any university, there she can also ask about the rules.
Is it now essential to qualify NET/SET for pursuing Ph.D. research, and know the rules from University! In our times (late 90’s) it was not necessary.
Yes you are right. Now the rules have been changed.