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I am a primary teacher in Bankura. some of Districts in south Bengal such as Bankura, Purulia Birbhum is very hot in summer. That is why all the Primary Schools run at that time in morning sift just up to 10 or 10.30 or 11A.M. But an order has all ready Circulated from the concern D.P.S.C.that it will be continue up to 11.30 or 12P.M.etc. Sir, total infrastructure of our schools are not so good till now. Most of the schools are not electrified, no unit wise class room, water source are not sufficient. As per previous records we know temperature at that time (11.30 or 12 ) may be rise up to 45-48 degree centigrade.
Regarding this,Please consider my earnest apples are noted below:-
1. If 11.30 or 12.00 Pm. what it the justification of morning sift ? Day sift is better, because our child like students will come 10A.m.or 10.15A.M. before rising high temperature and they will return after falling temperature.It may be extent up to 4 P.m. if Mid day meal provided there.
2. if morning sift is most urgent. Classes may be suspend after 10 or 10.30 A.M. then teachers will do their education related works after that.
3. Although some of our teachers come from 15 or 20Km. or more distances. How they will returned after 11.30 or 12 P.M. ?
4. now we are in a nuclear family. Most of our lady teachers make their meal after school when the school runs in morning sift. How it possible to do after 12 or 12.30pm after returning home?
So that i think day sift is better then morning. what do you say ???
As a teacher of a secondary school (morning section), I really think that morning is the best shift for students, Our school starts at 6.20 A.M. & ends at 11 A.M. though the school hour is short than proposed timing,but it is not in our hand because boys section is starting in the same building at 11A.M.According to me morning school is in favor of student
1.They can do many other activities after the school.
2. As they come in the morning, they have immense energy,as well as they can concentrate in their studies.
3.We also provide midday meal,which they can take home.
4. Many people in India do outdoor work (farmers, marketing & sales persons etc) in afternoon , if they can work in scorching sunlight we also can come back home.
5. As a lady teacher I never face any problem to run my family, we can cook food early in the morning.I hope everything is possible if there is a wish.
6. As a morning school teacher I really feel that I do my service efficiently in the morning , after taking rest in the afternoon I can give more time & energy to my family & look after them.
Nice topic my friend and Good point wise reply Sweta. I am also in favour of the morning shift in the summer. It will be more convenient if the power to decide the school time be vested upon the committee. Obviously there should be a stipulated time of school hours. As I said earlier in an another topic namely Half C.L. for the Teachers we cant set aside the 3rd Law of Sir Isaac Newton. We have to decide our options accordingly.
Friend Sweta,
Please consider again sympathetically in case of one rural Primary school at dry area , I do not know i) location of your school ii) Distance from your residential place iii) availability of vehicles iv) condition of your family etc.
sweta, We work with some 5+ aged children, they come from various sector of our locality.Practically their parents are not able to ready those little children in time (before 6.15 or 6.30A.M.). some of our student come regularly with empty stomach due to economic problems.we are not able to ready their Mid day meal before 9.30 A.M.
I think, mentality or resistance power of 5 years old children is not equivalent of high school students. Up to 11 A.M. for a secondary student is justified but Up to 11.30.or 12.00 P.M. for a primary student? Most of our Pry. school are so far remote area then Secondary school.Most of our primary teachers are not so good their economical status. that is why they compel to do their all home work himself or herself . They can’t able to use any own vehicle due to insufficient public vehicles before 6 A.M.
Please do not ignore this problems, repeatedly I say consider our little children not the teachers.mow I am awaiting for your and others kind consideration.
I also believe it is an important topic. sorry SOM da i can’t get the point”THIRD LAW”.
ASIT da (I think you won’t mind to call you so) we are helpless till now… students have to attend tuition even in burning heat.
Sweta di
1.at most /all the primary school m.day is eaten at school premises
2.there are many teacher who can visit their home once a week (for distance) in morning session that is also impossible,think about them.
3.A m.section school or out door workers are accustomed to it.
“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
Actually I wanted to say that if any action is taken there should be a re-action like here to start school either in the morning or day shift, some inconvenience and convenience matters will appear. We have to select our option accordingly. There should always be some good and bad sides of all aspects. Now after reading the whole discussion I am of the view that the time should be selected by the school by way of polling with the teachers and with the guardians if possible. I am sure that it will be fair for all as majority must be granted. I am also sure that all of the teachers and guardians dont posses same point of view.
Dear friends,
my subject is’ time of morning school.’ morning sift is better than day sift or day sift is better than morning sift, it is not my subject. I wanted to know from our forum friends that, do you thing our little children ( 5or 6 or 7 Years old) are able to stay at school up to 11.30 or 12 P.M. and after then they can able to return their home easily? Most of our students come to school herself or himself. some of our students come from 1 or more km. distance.
Is it most urgent for our little children?
Friend some, guardians and teachers are not the authority to take such decision. For the primary schools, concern D.P.S.C. will fix the duration of school time either morning sift or day.so that we are bound to do it.
I have written before that teachers should be provide the schedule time with teaching related job but our child like students will feel some problems.
i fully agree with you my friend at this point that it will be very bad to release the student under the glaring sun. so for the student school hour should be upto 10:30 in the .
@ A.B. Pal
Friend, I am against DPSC’s decision to continue morning shift up to 11:30 / 12 noon. It is next to impossible to tolerate the scorching heat by the child. DPSC should have taken into consideration this fact.
Please check this: https://wbxpress.com/morning-school-during-the-current-summer/