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(1) There are two different styles followed for the number plates of vehicles in our country – black cloured nos. in white background is for private/govt. owned vehicles and, black nos. in yellow background is for hired vehicles. But, I have seen many govt. vehicles (for example Postal Deptt. Dak Van, Govt. Ambulance, Firefighting Engine, State Govt. Buses etc.), which are owned by the govt., use black nos. in yellow background like the hired vehicles! Again, some Police Vans still retain old display pattern – white nos. in black background! What are the actual rules for style of display of number plates?
(2) What is the meaning of numbers of vehicles? How to determine the nos.?
(3) I have seen many govt. vehicles passing through the Tax Gates earmarked for “VIP’, without paying toll tax. Again, the State Govt. Buses pay toll tax at Plaza. Why is there such discrepancy? Whether all the Govt. vehicles belong to “VIP” category and not to pay toll tax or there are some Govt. vehicles which always come under VIP category, even if there is no VIP inside in that particular journey?
(4) What is the rule for using red lights in the govt. vehicles? Who are eligible to use such lights in their office vehicles? In some cases, red lights are fitted on the top and, in other cases on the front buffer of the vehicles!
Members pls help!
Your assumption is correct.Vehicles which are permanently hired use the yellow number plate and the name of the departments which hires them. Same is the case with the Police. Yellow plated vehicles are commercial vehicles or Luxary Taxis and hence they have different number plates and colors. You surf the web and you will come to know from the web site of Public Vehicles department Kolkata about the computerised numbers alloted to vehicles and the name of the districts where those have been registered. Similarly nos of vehicles denotes that the registered ownership of the vehicles with the name address and the specifications of engine number and chasis nos, its capacity to carry etc. Toll plazas which are run by the contractors under an agreement with the Government have certain clause in the deed regarding exemption of certain vehicles to navigate without paying the fee and hence nothing is illegal. As regarding use of red lights you search the google search engine and get the detail about the dignitaries who are allowed to use the red lights at the vehicle top and in the front of the cvehicles. This is simply to avoid the traffic congestion and also for the identification of the dignitaries. For all your queiries you can study West Bengal Motor Vehicle Rules 2012 Edition.
What is the difference among the expressions “Category of Vehicle”, “Type of Vehicle” and “Class of Vehicle”? What’s the practical utility of such varied classification? These are not clear from rules.
It’s not clear whether all the govt. vehicles are exempted from paying toll tax while plying on roads. If yes, then what about SBSTC, NBSTS and CTC buses which pay taxes at Toll Plaza?
When Fire Fighting Engines, Govt. Ambulances, Postal Vans etc. being owned by the state/central govt. use commercial number plates (yellow background) the Police Vans, on the other hand, sometimes use non-commercial number plates (white/black background) – reason not clear to me!
Whether the vehicle registration done in one state is valid for other states also?
Bithi ! you want to learn the Motor Vehicles Act 1988 and West Bengal MV Rules in one go. There are laws on the categories of the vehicles under section 2 M.V.Act 1988 and answer to all of your question in Rule book or Act book. It is practically not possible to discuss such elaborate subject at this forum for which police men and advocates spent at least 1 year to learn. Both the books are cheap and you can study to gain knowledge.
Category/ Type of vehicles: Refers to the physical appearance designed by the Manufacturer in regard to its use. There are two types/categories of vehicles – Transport (with yellow number plate) and Non-transport (with white number plate).
Types of Motor Vehicle At a Glance
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section 41 of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 (59 of 1988) and in supersession of the notification of the Government of India in the erstwhile Ministry of Surface Transport number No. S.O. 451 (E), dated the 19th June, 1992, the Central Government hereby specifies the types of motor vehicles as mentioned in columns 1 and 2 of the Table below for the purpose of said sub-section (4).
Transport Vehicles | Non-Transport Vehicles |
(i) Motor cycle with side car for carrying goods. (ii) Motor cycle with trailer to carry goods. (iii) Motor cycle used for hire to carry one passenger on pillion and motorized cycle-rickshaw for goods or passengers on hire. (iv) Luxury Cab. (v)Three wheeled vehicles for transport of passengers/goods (vi) Goods carrier trucks or tankers or mail carriers (N1-N3 category). (vii) Power tiller and Tractors using public roads. (viii) Mobile clinic or X-Ray van or library vans. (ix) Mobile Workshops. (x) Mobile canteens. (xi) Private Service Vehicle. (xii) Public Service Vehicle such as maxi cab, motor cab, stage carriage and contract carriage including tourist vehicles. (xiii) Educational Institution buses. (xiv) Ambulances. (xv) Animal Ambulances. |
(i) Motor cycle without side car for personal use. (ii) Mopeds and motorized cycles (Engine capacity exceeding 25 cc). (iii) Invalid carriage. (iv) Three-wheeled vehicles for personal use. (v) Motor car. (vi) Fork lift. (vii)Vehicles or trailers fitted with equipments like rig, generator, compressor. (viii) Crane mounted vehicle. (ix) Agricultural Tractor and Power Tiller. (x) Private service vehicle, registered in the name of an individual and if declared to be used by him solely for personal. (xi) Camper Van or Trailer for private use. (xii) Tow Trucks, Breakdown, Van and Recovery Vehicles. (xiii) Tower Wagons and tree trimming vehicles owned by Central, State and local authorities. (xiv)Construction Equipment Vehicles as defined in rule 2(ca). (xvi) Camper vans or trailers. (xvii) Cash vans. (xviii) Fire tenders, snorked ladders, auxiliary trailers and fire fighting vehicles. (xix) Articulated vehicles. (xx) Hearses. (xxi) Omnubus + |
(a) “Ambulance means vehicle specially designed, constructed or modified and equipped and intended to be used for emergency transportation of persons who are sick, injured, wounded or otherwise incapacitated.
(b) “Animal ambulance” means a motor vehicle intended to be used for the emergency transportation of sick, injured, wounded or otherwise incapacitated animals.
(c) “Camper van” means a special purpose M1 category vehicle constructed to include living accommodation which contains at least the following
— Seats and table
— Sleeping accommodation which may be converted for he seats
— Cooking facilities, and
— Storage facilities.
This equipments shall be rigidly fixed to the living compartment; however the table may be designed to be easily removable.
+ (d) The “Ombibus” has been kept in the category of transport vehicle with a view to bringing it under the purview of fitness regime as it is exhaustively used on road. However, the taxes to be levied on such vehicle would fall within the jurisdiction of State Governments.
* (e) Under rule 2(ca), use of public road by Construction Equipment Vehicle is incidental to the main off-road function. However, when the public road is being used regularly for carrying on commercial activities, then Construction Equipment Vehicles such as dumpers and excavators being used for such activities, shall be deemed as transport vehicles.
Classification is based on the gross weight or sitting capacity of the vehicles. Taken into consideration for assessment of tax of a vehicle.
(1) “heavy passenger motor vehicle” means any public service vehicle or private service vehicle or educational institution bus or omnibus the gross vehicle weight of any of which, or a motor car the unladen weight of which, exceeds 12,000 kilograms;
(2) “light motor vehicle” means a transport vehicle or omnibus the gross vehicle weight of either of which or a motor car or tractor or road – roller the unladen weight of any of which, does not exceed 6,000 kilograms;
(3) “medium goods vehicle” means any goods carriage other than a light motor vehicle or a heavy goods vehicle;
(4) “medium passenger motor vehicle” means any public service vehicle or private service vehicle, or educational institution bus other than a motor cycle, invalid carriage, light motor vehicle or heavy passenger motor vehicle;
Govt. decision on the requirement of toll tax for govt. vehicles plying on National Highways:
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways
Toll Tax Policy on National Highways:
Policy on collection of user fee is based on the provisions of National Highways Act, 1956 (48 of 1956) and National Highways Fee (Determination of Rates and Collection) Rules, 2008 as amended. Currently there are 209 fee plazas in NHs with NHAI. A Representation from AIMTC has been received. As per the present policy in case of 6 laning projects where 4 lane facilities is already available, tolling is started immediately even before completion of highways.
As per the National Highways Fee (Determination of Rates and Collection) Rules, 2008, the fee rates is to be revised every year with effect from 1st April. Policy decisions on specific toll issues are being taken from time to time depending upon requirements. Presently there is no proposal for a separate regulatory authority.
The dignitaries and vehicles exempted as per rule 11 of the National Highways Fee (Determination of Rates and Collection) Rules, 2008 as amended is enclosed as given below:-
“11. Exemption from payment of fee. –
(1) No fee shall be levied and collected from a mechanical Vehicle
(a) transporting and accompanying–
(i) the President of India;
(ii) the Vice-President of India;
(iii) the Prime-Minister of India;
(iv) the Governor of a State;
(v) the Chief Justice of India;
(vi) the Speaker of the House of People;
(vii) the Cabinet Minister of the Union
(viii) the Chief Minister of a State;
(ix) the Judge of the Supreme Court;
(x) the Minister of State of the Union;
(xi) the Lieutenant Governor of a Union territory;
(xii) the Chief of Staff holding the rank of full General or equivalent rank;
(xiii) the Chairman of the Legislative Council of a State;
(xiv) the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of a State;
(xv) the Chief Justice of a High Court;
(xvi) the Judge of a High Court;
(xvii) the Member of Parliament;
(xviii) the Army Commander or Vice-Chief of Army Staff and equivalent in other services;
(xix) the Chief Secretary to a State Government within concerned State;
(xx) the Secretary to the Government of India;
(xxi) the Secretary, Council of States;
(xxii) the Secretary, House of People;
(xxiii) the Foreign dignitary on State visit;
(xxiv) The Member of Legislative Assembly of a State and the Member of Legislative Council
of a State within their respective State, if he or she produces his or her identity card issued by the concerned Legislature of the State;
(xxv) the awardee of Param Vir Chakra, Ashok Chakra, Maha Vir Chakra, Kirti Chakra, Vir Chakra and Shaurya Chakra, if such awardee produces his or her photo identity card duly authenticated by the appropriate or competent authority for such award;
(b) used for official purposes by –
(i) the Ministry of Defence including those which are eligible for exemption in accordance with the provisions of the Indian Toll (Army and Air Force) Act, 1901 and rules made thereunder, as extended to Navy also;
(ii) the Central and State armed forces in uniform including para military forces and police;
(iii) an executive Magistrate;
(iv) the fire-fighting Department or organisation;
(v) the National Highways Authority of India or any other Government organization using such vehicle for inspection, survey, construction or operation of national highways and maintenance thereof;
(c) used as ambulance; and
(d) used as funeral van”.
(This information was given by the Minister of State of Road Transport and Highways, Shri Jitin Prasada in a written reply in Lok Sabha today)
Ref: http://pib.nic.in/newsite/PrintRelease.aspx?relid=77773
Ref: http://aptransport.org/html/acts-rules/ … GLANCE.pdf
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