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Can any one help me with this?
Re: utility for the preparationof routine for H.S schools
The daily class teaching centered activities of the school proceeds with the hands of the clock and for that reason , the time table of the schools is termed as the “SECOND SCHOOL CLOCK”
1) The making of a school time table requires much time and labour. The time limit for preparation of a balanced school time-table is limited and that is the primary difficulty. The other difficulties and drawbacks are want of adequate number of duly qualified teachers, class-room and teaching equipment and appliances.
2) Undoubtedly the factor- attention of the taught should be stressed upon while making a school time-table. The harder subjects which demand more attention of the taught , should be placed in the periods no. 1 to 4 before recess. The maker of the school time-table must know that is the first part of each days working hours, the attention of the students may be extracted as per expectation,but no such thing happens at the latter part of the working hours of the day.Similarly , at the time of framing the time-table it is to be remembered that at the beginning of the Monday after Sunday’s break the attentions of the taught may not satisfy the expectation,particular at the first stage of the day’s proceedings.
3) The availability of the teaching appliances should always be kept in eye/notice while putting particularly the classes of Math. and Geo. of different classes. Suppose in a particular period, it is seen that as many as five classes have similar subject like Math. or Geo. in the same period and 5 sets of required Maps,Globe or the appliances for teaching Math.s are not available and thereby the defect of the time-table will be detected.
4) 2nd ,3rd and 4th periods may be considered as ideal periods for harder subjects.
5)The maker of time-table should be alert about the monotony of subjects and fatigue and tiredness of the taught.
6) For both the newly introduced subjects only one/two(theory/practical) period/s per week is to be allotted for classes VI-XII in case of Environmental Science and for class VI -X the period of Life Style.
7) Two periods of work education and physical education are to be allotted for classes VI-VIII.
8) In case of XI-XII all theoretical classes are to be allotted 6 periods and practical for 2 periods ( at a time i.e. 6&7 periods)
9) At first the time-table is prepared class wise and then teacher wise.
10) (a) For a permanent teacher 25 periods including stop gap classes of the absentee teachers and 11 periods including corrections of home works of the students.(b) For Para teacher it will be 16, (c)for Part time teacher it will be 12, (d)Headmaster =12 and (e)Assistant Headmaster=22 to be allotted in a week.
11) 1period of HS section is equal to 1.25 of Madhyamik Section.
12) Total class in a week is to be followed :- V=34,VI=37,VII-X=44, XI-XII=(6×6=36 theory)+2(practical)+2(EVS-1 for theory, 1 for project work)=38/40.
I hope, this information will help to a School Time-Table Maker when he is going to make an ideal “SECOND SCHOOL CLOCK”. Thank you.
Thank you mihiracharya for the beautiful post. But I think Mr Swarnendu wanted an excel/any other program utility on this matter. Please excuse me if I am wrong.
To create an excel utility, all the points raised by mihiracharya should be kept in mind. I think som will prepare the same for swarnendu.
Wish I could help. Previously I tried to create school management utility but failed due to lack of practical knowledge. This kind of utility can only be prepared by a person who have practical knowledge about school management and knowledge of excel.
Re: create a softwire on school tabulation and marksheet.
it will be very usefull if anybody create a softwire on tabulation sheet and marksheet for the different class and section.
Re: Asc Time Table for the preparation of routine for school
I searched for school timetable generation software. I got Asc time tables. Pls download from
Very good software. I used it personally but you have to know basic computer details.
I installed the software. It is a demo version. It costs Rs. 25,990/-.
@ chanchal: Have you purchased that software and using?
I installed the software. It is a demo version. It costs Rs. 25,990/-.
@ chanchal: Have you purchased that software and using?
@nemo da I don’t have so much money. If my Institution support then I can only buy. I downloaded the crack from torrent. Its ok. Can be used as full version and can be registered with your institution name.
If needed you can tell me.
You can download a full version Time table making software from Download Lantiv Timetabler free – latest version