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Hi Sourabh. First of all I would like to welcome you to this wonderful site. Now about your quarry I am to say that if the monthly income of your father does not exceed rupees 3500 per month you may include your mother as a beneficiary under the scheme.
I am under WBHS 2008 since October 2010. My wife is an assistant teacher (WB Govt. aidded Schoo through SSCl). On that time she had not come to my Scheme as she thought that it would be implemented for school also and her parent would be benifited. It was informed to the higher authority by stating that she would not join this time i.e, October 2010 and if she came under this scheme it will be informed. Now (October 2011) she applied to the higher authority and her MA is being deducted now. Whether she will join the scheme with me now? And is there any way or, process for further progress?
D. Palui
Deduction of M.A. started, that means she has already joined in this scheme. Just obtain Health Scheme Card (Id proof) from the higher authority.
Regarding claim for WBHS 2008 bills of non empanelled hospital which TR form no is applicable.In TR form68 there no column for non empanelled hospital. How do i proceed for such??
In connection with 20th Feb 2012 Question submitted you, this my query that she (employee in Govt. aided school through SSC) had not join with me i,e in same time. She joined latter. Is there any rule or problem to get ID Card?
Dr. Palui
there should not be any problem regarding this.
My mother is a family pensioner. She gets Rs.5000/- as family pension( Basic pension Rs.3300/- + DA 45% +MA Rs.300/-). May I include my mother as beneficiary ?
No. you can not.
Thanks Mr. Asif. But See G.O. No.10531-F(MED) Dt.10.11.10 and give me suggestion pl.
As per the said G.O. the total income for the pensioner in your case becomes Rs. 3300 + Rs. 300 = Rs. 3600. Dearness Relief is not considered as income. So, the pensioner is not dependent in this case as it is greater than Rs. 3500. I would like to suggest you to opt the pensioner under health scheme. as the enrollment is still possible (up to 31.03.2012).