
Processing of the Proposals for Direct Purchase of Land

Land Reforms, 👁️ 90

Certificate from the concerned DLLRO/ BLLRO that no government vested land (Khatian-I)/ other government land (of other departments/ parastatals) is available for this purpose.

Government of West Bengal
Department of Land & Land Reforms and Refugee Relief & Rehabilitation
Nabanna (6th Floor), 325 Sarat Chatterjee Road
Shibpur, Howrah-711102

Memo No. 1703-LP/1A-03/14(Pt-II) Date: 26/07/2021


Subject: Processing of the Proposals for Direct Purchase of Land in pursuance of this Department No. 756-LP/1A-03/14(Pt-II) dated 25.2.2016.

In terms of the Memorandum of No. 756-LP/1A-03/14(Pt-II) dated 25.2.2016 administrative departments send the proposals for direct purchase of land for various infrastructure projects to the Finance Department for concurrence prior to placing before the Standing Committee of Cabinet on Industry, Infrastructure and Employment.

2) However, it is felt necessary that the proposals need to be scrutinised by L & LR & RR & R Department before taking concurrence of Finance Department. In many cases Finance Department has referred the proposals to L & LR & RR & R Department.

3) In order to streamline and simplify the process, the concerned departments are requested to send file (e-file) to L & LR & RR & R Department before sending it to the Finance Department.

4) After receiving the concurrence of L & LR & RR & R Department, proposal shall be sent for concurrence of the Finance Department and thereafter moved for placing before the Standing Committee of Cabinet on Industry, Infrastructure and Employment through proper channel.

5) While sending the proposal to L & LR & RR & R Department it must contain a detailed note along with the following details/ documents:

i) certificate from the concerned DLLRO/ BLLRO that no government vested land (Khatian-I)/ other government land (of other departments/ parastatals) is available for this purpose,

ii) A report on suitability of the proposed (and for the project based on joint field visit by a responsible field officer of the administrative department and officials of L&LR and RRR department,

iii) Copies of Plot information/ RoR duly authenticated by the Collector concerned,

iv) Particulars of the person(s) from whom the land will be purchased,

v) Written consent from the said sellers that they are willing to sell the land for this purpose in terms of the policy,

vi) Market value of land as determined by DSR/ ADSR and tentative estimate for purchase of land,

vii) A certificate that the administrative department and Collector has undertaken due land searching and that there are no encumbrances attached with the land.

Sd/- Manoj Pant
Principal Secretary &
Land Reforms Commissioner

No. 1703-LP dated 26.07.2021

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