Higher Education, B. Ed đī¸ 327
B. Ed shall be deemed to have come under the affiliation of the West Bengal University of Teachers’ Training, Education Planning and Administration w.e.f. 12.02.2016.
No. 119-Edn (U)/1U (WBUTTE)-11/15 Date: 11.02.2016
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 6 of the West Bengal University of Teachers’ Training, Education Planning and Administration Act, 2014 (West Ben. Act XXI of 2014), and subject to the provisions of section 64 of the said Act, the Governor is hereby pleased to appoint the 12th day of February, 2016 as the ‘appointed day’, from which the Bachelor of Education (B. Ed) course conducted by the Government colleges, Government-aided colleges and Self-financing private colleges (including colleges run by minorities), which are presently affiliated under the University of Calcutta, the Kalyani University and the West Bengal State University, Barasat, shall be deemed to have come under the affiliation of the West Bengal University of Teachers’ Training, Education Planning and Administration and simultaneously, shall be deemed to have ceased to be affiliated under the University of Calcutta, the Kalyani University and the West Bengal State University, Barasat respectively.
In this connection, the Governor is also pleased to direct that the Governing Bodies/ Managing Committees of all these colleges shall continue to function in the same capacity with the same powers and privileges as they were enjoying immediately preceding the date of publication of this notification until the Governing Bodies/ Managing Committees of these colleges have been constituted or re-constituted as per the provisions of the Statute/ Ordinances/ Regulations of the West Bengal University of Teachers’ Training, Education Planning and Administration.
The Governor is further pleased to direct in this regard, that the University Departments of the University of Calcutta, or the Kalyani University or the West Bengal State University, Barasat and the Departments of any General Degree College pursuing B. Ed programme/ course and any Special B. Ed Programme run by any of these three Universities of any college under their affiliation, shall continue to be affiliated to the concerned University to which they were affiliated immediately preceding the date of publication of this Notification, until further order. It is also clarified that all other courses run by these colleges shall continue to be affiliated to the University they were affiliated immediately preceding the date of publication of this Notification.
The Governor, in this connection, is also pleased to direct that save as otherwise provided under clause (a) or clause (b) of sub-section (2) of section 6 of the West Bengal University of Teacher’s Training, Education Planning and Administration Act, 2014, and notwithstanding anything contained contrary in any other law for the time being in force, any new college or institution, whether Government or Government-aided, or self-financing, or colleges/ institutions run by minorities, imparting or proposing to start B. Ed course under the University of Calcutta, the Kalyani University and the West Bengal State University, Barasat and/or M. Ed course within the territory of the State of West Bengal after the commencement of the “appointed day” as declared under this Notification, shall automatically come under the affiliatory jurisdiction of the West Bengal University of Teacher’s Training, Education Planning and Administration.
By order of the Governor,
Sd/- Siladitya Basuray
Joint Secretary