
Bangla Bhasha O Shilpa Sahitya Sanskritir Itihaas

Higher Secondary Education,

WBCHSE has published the Bengali A book for Class XII Bangla Bhasha O Shilpa Sahitya Sanskritir Itihaas and the book is now available at a discounted price of Rs. 48/- only.

West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education
Vidyasagar Bhavan
9/2, Block DJ, Sector-II, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 91

No: L/Secy/249/2016 Date: 27.07.2016


Attention: All Students, teachers, Heads of Higher Secondary Institution

West Bengal Council of Higher secondary Education has published the Bengali A book for Class XII “Bangla Bhasha O Shilpa Sahitya Sanskritir Itihaas” and the book is available at a price of Rs. 60/- only from the Sales Counter of Vidyasagar Bhavan and our Regional offices at Burdwan, Midnapore and North Bengal.

Now, the Council is pleased to announce a discount of 20% per copy on bulk purchase of 25 or more books at a time. So, in bulk purchase the price of the book would be Rs. 48 only per copy. Those who are interested in buying the book in bulk of 25 or more copies at a time should make the deposit through NEFT or RTGS. They are being informed that only the cost price of 25 or more books should invariably be deposited in our A/c No. s given below. Extra charges must be borne by the party concerned. On production of the money receipt of NEFT/RTGS they would be entitled to get delivery of the books from our sales counters. Cash deposit are allowed only at Home branches. Before delivery of the books, confirmation of deposits of the price should be verified through Finance & Accounts Section of Head Office and the respective officers in charge in case of Regional offices.

Bank Accounts in SBI:
Account Name – West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education

Central Office and KROBROMRONBRO
A/c Number11334345399111840068511116173889410195735302
BranchBikash BhavanBurdwanMidnaporeNBU campus
Branch Code07816000480013202096
IFSC CodeSBIN0007816SBIN0000048SBIN0000132SBIN0002096

Please note that, the books on Sahitya Charcha (Bengali A) for Class XII and Sanskrit for Class XI and XII will be available very shortly at the Sales Counters. Further Notification in this regard will be uploaded on our website.

With thanks,

Sd/- Subrata Ghosh

No: L/Secy/249 dated 27.07.2016, Source

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