
Citizen Centric Fortnight to Improve Health Care Facilities


In order to further improve the provision of user-friendly amenities and environmental sanitation of different Health Care Facilities it is decided to launch a special campaign entitled CITIZEN CENTRIC FORTNIGHT during the period from 1st July 2013 to 15th July 2013.

Government of West Bengal
Department of Health & Family Welfare
4th floor, Wing-B
Swasthya Bhawan, GN-29, Sector-V,
Salt Lake City, Kolkata-91

No. HHM/IH-171-2012/89 Dated: 24.06.2013


In order to further improve the provision of user-friendly amenities and environmental sanitation of different Health Care Facilities of the State in this year, like previous years, it is decided to launch a special campaign entitled “CITIZEN CENTRIC FORTNIGHT” during the period from 1st July 2013 to 15th July 2013.

2. During this campaign, all the Member-Secretaries of the RKS of Primary, Secondary and Tertiary level Hospitals and Health centers like PHC,BPHC,RH,SGH,SDH,DH, Decentralized hospitals and MCH are requested to undertake the following activities on an urgent basis

a. Installation of Citizen’s Charter on available health care services and benefits at the respective facility (i.e. OPD registration hours, OPD service hours, Laboratory and other investigation facilities, Doctor-patient party visiting time, JSY benefit, JSSK benefit, Illness assistance fund benefit etc.)

b. House Keeping, Cleaning and Sanitation ( i.e. One time special cleaning of premises, building, wards, Labour room, O.T complex etc., disposal of condemned articles, furniture and equipments etc in terms of recent GO, effective pests/ rodents control measures, cleaning of water tanks and septic tanks, emergency disposal of general wastes etc.)

c. Patients Friendly Amenities (i.e. installation of chair for pregnant women and elderly, expansion of capacity of busy wards by utilizing under occupied beds of adjacent wards, enforcement on restriction of visitors in wards, installation of drinking water facilities for patient and patient parties with water purifiers etc.)

3. The ZLO of the District and Dy. CMOH-I of the District, where there is no posted ZLO, will act as Nodal officer of the District for the said activities. He/ She will also collect, compile and submit the report of the respective district (except MCH) as per attached format to the Dy. DHS (Hospital Administration) within 10 (ten) Days on completion of the activities and DPC of DPMU of the District will assist the District Nodal Officer in this respect. The M.S.V.P. of all MCHs will submit the report as per attached format directly to the Special Secretary (MERT) within 10 (ten) Days on completion of the activities.

4. The CMOH of the District will assign the ACMOH of the subdivision to supervise the activities at PHC, BPHC and RH of the respective subdivision and Dy. CMOH, DTO and ACMOH (MA) of the District to supervise the activities at SGH, SDH, DH and Decentralized hospitals of the respective District.
The Support Supervision Team for the respective District will also supervise the said activities of the District.

5. The available funds of the respective facilities under RKS Account (United fund/ Annual Maintenance Grant fund) will be utilised to carry out the above mentioned activities by the Member-Secretaries. If the available fund of RKS Account is found inadequate then necessary requisition to be submitted for funds from District Corpus Fund. The CMOH & the Member Secretary of the DH&FWS of the respective District will place necessary funds from the respective District RKS corpus fund. If any shortfall at district level then necessary requisition of fund may be placed to the state for sanction of fund from State Corpus Fund. The MCHs will place direct requisition for fund from State Corpus Fund.

6. No separate resolution of RKS or Block/District H&FWS is needed, but the Chairperson and all the members of RKS are to be specially apprised.

7. All CMOH are requested to inform all the Member-Secretaries of RKS of Hospital/Health centres of the District to act accordingly.

8. The Principals/MSVPs of all MCHs are requested to act accordingly.

9. The Special Secretary (MERT) will coordinate and supervise the activities for MCHs from the State level and the Dy. DHS (Hospital Administration) will coordinate and supervise the activities for other facilities of the District from the State level.

Sd/- Dr. B.R. Satpathi
Director of Health Services & E.0. Secretary,
Government of West Bengal

No. HHM/89 dated 24.06.2013, Source