Tribal Health Project is not approved by the Govt. of India, hence the project will continue till 30.06.2012 and from 1st July, 2012, it will cease to function.
Government of West Bengal
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Swasthya Bhavan, B – Wing, 4th floor
GN – 29, Sector – V, Salt lake City
Kolkata – 700091
Memo No. H/CFW/Gen-152/ 12/ H/SFWB/18P-01-2012, Date: 04.06.2012.
The Chief Medical Officer of Health
Jalpaiguri/ Purulia/ Paschim Medinipur/ Bankura/ Birbhum/ Dakshin Dinajpur
Sub: Closure of Tribal Health Project on and from 01/07/2012.
Please note the Tribal Health Project has not been approved by Government of India for the year 2012-13. As the project had already been extended up to 30th June 2012 vide Memo No. H/SFWB/296(6) dated 22/03/2012 with the expectation that the project will be approved by Government of India for a further period, the said project will continue till 30/06/2012 and from 1st July 2012 the project will cease to function.
You are requested to bring it to the notice of all concerned including the NGO concerned. Besides you are hereby directed to send the performance report up to June 2012 and to refund the balance amount of fund if available with you after completion of all the payments by A/c payee cheque to be drawn in favour of “West Bengal State Health & Family Welfare Samiti A/c RCH”.
Sd/- Commissioner (FW) & Secretary