Conveyance Allowance to Handicapped Employees of Colleges
Higher Education, 6th Pay Commission , Conveyance Allowance 👁️ 171
Conveyance Allowance to the blind and orthopedically handicapped teaching and non-teaching employees of the Govt-aided-colleges in the State.Government of West Bengal
Department of Higher Education
C.S. Branch
Bikash Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700091
No. 927-Edn(CS)/10M-08/2018 Date: 06.09.2021
Sub: Conveyance Allowance to the handicapped teaching and non-teaching employees of the Non-Govt. Colleges in the State.
In continuation of this Department’s Order No. 400-Edn(CS)/10M-26/2002 dt. 24.04.2017, the Undersigned is directed to say that the blind and orthopedically handicapped teaching and non-teaching employees of the Govt-aided-colleges will get Conveyance Allowance @ 5% of basic Pay, subject to a maximum of Rs. 400/- (rupees Four hundred only) per month w.e.f. 01.01.2011 and Rs. 800/- (Rupees Eight hundred only) per month w.e.f 01.01.2020, in view of extra cost incurred by them in attending their duties. All other conditions, as detailed in order no. 400-Edn(CS)/10M-26/2002 dt. 24.04.2017, will remain same.
This order is issued in compliance with the recommendation of 6th Pay Commission, vide their Notification No. 5563-F dt. 25.12.2019.
Sd/- Deputy Secretary