
Food Processing Industries and Horticulture

Department of Food Processing Industries became operational from May 1992. In due course Directorate of Horticulture came from the Agriculture Department and joined this department in April 1997 and it came to be known as Department of Food Processing Industries & Horticulture. A separate Directorate for Food Processing Industries was formed in1998 that became fully functional from 2009.

West Bengal Food Processing Incentive Scheme (WBFPIS), 2021

Governor is pleased to sanction the implementation of a new Incentive Scheme for incentivizing micro sector food enterprises in Gram Panchayat and Municipality areas of West Bengal.

West Bengal Horticultural Nurseries (Regulation) Act, 2001

An Act to provide for the licensing and regulation of horticultural nurseries in West Bengal.

Participatory Farming in Horticulture in West Bengal

Participatory Farming shall be an arrangement by way of an agreement between the Farmers’ Producers Companies and the private company to grow /produce fruits, vegetables etc.