
Deputation of Medical and Administrative Personnel for Haj, 2013 – Date Extended

Health, 👁️ 109

The last date of receipt for application for deputation of Medical and Administrative Personnel to Consulate General of India, Saudi Arabia for Haj-2013 has been extended from 28.02.2013 to 25.03.2013.

Government of West Bengal
Department of Health & Family Welfare
M.A Branch
Swasthya Bhawan, GN-29, Sector-V
Salt Lake City, Kolkata-700 091

No. HF/O/MA/701/4D-01/2009/Pt.I, Dated, Kolkata, the 22nd March, 2013

From: The Joint Secretary to the Govt. of West Bengal.

To: The Director of Health Services, West Bengal.

Sub: Temporary Deputation of Muslim Doctors and Para Medical Staff (Allopathic) to Consulate General of India, Jeddah, Soudi Ababia for Haj-2013.

In continuation to this Deptt.’s Memo No. HF/O/MA/377/4D-01/2009 Pt. dt. 25.02.2013 on the subject noted above the undersigned is directed to forward herewith an Addendum dt. 26.02.2013 issued from Moin Akhtar Attache (Haj), Haj Cell, Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India, New Delhi whereby the last date of receipt for application for deputation of Medical and Administrative Personnel to Consulate General of India, Saudi Arabia for Haj-2013 has been extended from 28.02.2013 to 25.03.2013.

Sd/- K. Bose
Joint Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal

MA-701 dated 22.03.2013, Source