Higher Secondary Education, Question Pattern
WBCHSE is pleased to announce a discount of 20% on Class XI and XII Question pattern books for the Institutions at the time of collection of Registration forms from the Regional offices.
West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education
Vidyasagar Bhavan
9/2, Block DJ, Sector-II, Salt Lake, Kolkata – 91
No: DS(ACA)/NF_130615_I Date: 13.06.2015
Attention: All Students, teachers, Heads of Higher Secondary Institution
West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education is pleased to announce a discount of 20% on Class XI and XII Question pattern books for the Institutions at the time of collection of Registration forms from the Regional offices. The Institutions are hereby instructed to collect 10 copies of Question pattern books, comprising Class XI and Class XII (Science, Arts, Commerce) books, from the Regional Offices at the time of collection of Registration forms. The Institutions will be allowed a discount of 20% on the total value of the books purchased from the sales counter. The total value of books will be received in cash. This order stands up to last date of collection of registration forms from the Regional offices.
Moreover, the subject teachers of the Institutions are being instructed to set the question paper for test examination for Class XII strictly based on the question pattern prescribed by the Council. The regular teaching process for Class XI and XII should be as per the prescribed syllabus and Question Pattern.
Sd/- Subrata Ghosh