West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education
Vidyasagar Bhavan
9/2, Block DJ, Sector-ll, Salt Lake, Kolkata- 700 091.
No. L/Secy/63/14 Date: 07.11.2014.
The distribution schedule for admit card, Registration certificate, ASR along with other examination materials through camps for 2015 Higher Secondary Examination on 27th February 2015 was notified earlier. Due to supervening of school final examination on that date proposed camp will be held on 26th February instead of 27th February 2015.
Admit card along with other materials of examination will be distributed only from the centres from which enrolment form and registration checklist were distributed.
- The school where environmental studies and health &physical education are taught were asked to submit the names of the teacher teaching these two subjects and have evaluated the answer script of annual examination of class XI along with their educational qualification and residential addresses within 15 days of the receipt of the letter from the regional office. Most of the schools have complied with the instruction of the council and submitted the list of names of the respective teacher but some of the schools have not yet submitted the list of the name of the teacher to respective regional offices of the council. As such, it is notified from the council that the schools which have not vet submitted the list of names of the teachers teaching above mentioned two subjects are instructed to submit the list immediately without fail. As otherwise there will be difficulties in accession of enrolment form for these schools.
- The practical examination schedule for health & physical education for Higher Secondary Examination 2015 will be published from the council shortly. The examinees of the schools where health &physical education is taught at higher secondary level and annual examination of class XI are conducted and results sent to the council, have to appear in the practical examination of Higher Secondary Examination 2015either in their own school or in other school or examination centre notified by the council.
- Question papers, marks foil, top sheet, etc, of subjects having practical examination except subjects of health &physical education and music should be collected from the regional offices at least three/four days before the date of practical examination. If practical examinations are conducted by the collecting question papers from any others school, this examination will be treated as cancelled.
- Question papers of practical examinations may be collected from the respective regional offices at the time of depositing the enrolment forms (14th December to 24th December 2014).
Written answer papers and marks foils of practical examinations must be submitted in a sealed envelope again to the regional offices within 9th February 2015. The schedule of practical examinations (along with submission of answer scripts and marks foils) is fixed and inviolable. Schools have to be very particular and careful.
Instructions for filling up the enrolment forms
A. Regular enrolment forms for Higher Secondary Examinations 2015 have been printed on the basis of registration certificate filled up by the student in 2013 (there will be delay in the receipt of admit card by the student if the enrolment forms are sent to the school after the test examination of the school). As per examination regulation of the council only eligible student can fill up enrolment form.
B. In the first phase, the enrolment forms of CC/SPL examinees have been accepted up to 29th September 2014. The same categories of enrolment forms have been sent again to those examinees who could not fill in the enrolment form in the first phase. In the second phase CC/SPL examinees have to submit the filled in enrolment form with late fine to the council by 24th December 2014 positively.
C. In case the name of examinees have not been printed in the pre-printed enrolment forms the examinees shall write in hand name, subjects and other relevant particular in blank columns at the end of the pre-printed form and submit. The document of eligibility of the examinee should be attached along with his/her enrolment form.
D. Correction of printed information in the pre-printed enrolment form should be done in red ink, and proper document should be adduced in support of such correction with signature of the head of the institution.
E. Generally marks obtained in practical examination are printed in the CC/SPL enrolment form. In case it is not found, marks of the record kept in the school should be recorded in the particular column.
F. The examinees (old syllabus) who did not appear in the previous test examinations or might have been passed the test examination but did not appear in Higher Secondary examination or due to illness or accidental cause could not appear in the H.S examination (enrolment cancelled), in their cases practical examination have to be taken again and written answer script along with marks foil should be sent to the regional office within stipulated time.
G. In the matter of school attendance of students the instructions of the council have to be followed. In the event of failure of attainment of eligible attendance percentage the students have to pay fine of Rs 150 for “condonnation of short percentage” and this has to be recorded in the remarks column of the enrolment form.
H. Photo copy of enrolment form will not be accepted under any circumstances.
I. Last date of submission of enrolment form is 24th December 2014 (without late fine) 12th January 2015 (with late fine)
J. In the second phase CC/SPL enrolment form may be submitted during 15th December to 24th December 2014 (with late fine)
Request for acceptance of new enrolment form from the school after expiry of the prescribed time limit will not be entertained.
K. Provisional centre code is printed in the enrolment form supplied by the council. Centre code will be finalised during printing of admit card of Higher Secondary Examination 2015 and schools will be informed duly through centre committee.
L. Marks for “PROJECT” of Higher Secondary Examination 2015 have to be submitted in the forms provided by the council to the regional offices by 24th December 2014. The project prepared by the student has to be preserved till 31th December 2015 under the supervision of the school. In case of necessity, the council can ask for the project from any school and the school have to supply the project when sought for.
Procedure regarding filling and signature of registration checklist
I. Students have to put signature in the registration checklist after ensuring proper entry of name, guardian’s name, and printed subjects in proper place. Generally registration certificate without signature of the student will not be printed and supplied.
II. Any correction in the checklist should be done in the red ink and must be endorsed by the head of the institution.
III. Incorrect information in the registration checklist (if any student furnished false information) will be indicated as “DISPUTE”. After due investigation on the basis of documentary evidence school authority will correct it in red ink and submit to the council.
IV. If no photograph of the student found in the registration form, a recent photograph in black and white (2.5cmX3.5cm) with name of the student in capital letter written below the photograph should be attached in the registration checklist and to be submitted in the council
V. Photo copy of checklist will not be accepted under any circumstances.
Additional facilities have been created to deposit fees in favour of the council through NEFT in addition to prevailing method. A form for deposition of fees in favour of the council through NEFT is annexed herewith.
Council has adopted new system for awarding scholarship. Schools and students may visit the council website www.wbchse.nic.in for more details. General information of scholarship is stated here. For any other information visit the same website of the council.
Sd/- Subrata Ghosh
West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education
No. L/Secy/63 dated 07.11.2014, Source
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