Accountant General, West Bengal, Provident Fund
Now you should be logged in successfully. You will find GPF Account Statement menu at the left side of the dashboard. Choose year and click PDF button to Download GPF statement.
Update: Publication of e-GPF Account Statement for the year 2021-22
West Bengal Government Employees can download GPF statement from
Step 1:
Open this link:
Step 2:
Select GPF Series Code, GPF No., DOB, fill up the Captcha and Click Submit Button.
You will receive an OTP on your registered mobile number and email id.
Enter the OTP and Click on the Submit button.
Step 3:
Now you should be logged in successfully. You will find “GPF Account Statement” menu at the left side of the dashboard. Choose year and click red PDF button to Download GPF statement.
Your downloaded statement should look something like this.